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Everything posted by PDM

  1. Having had every release of fmh/fmm dating back to 2006 on my psp initially before moving to smartphones I have to say I am disgusted by the comple lack of appreciation from SI for the core loyal customer base. I used to play the full game but like so many on here, no longer had the time to sit and play hours of the full game, that's why finding fmh back in 2006 was such a great thing, it allowed me to play when I could. With the advent of smartphones this became even easier. Every release day I would eagerly buy the game, no matter if the changes year on year were big or small. Sadly and without warning it looks like 2023 will be my last purchase of FMM. I do not have Netflix, I do not want Netflix, and I am not going to pay a minimum £4.99 per month for a mobile game. Thanks SI for all the hours of fun you have provided over the last 18 years of FMH/FMM, its a shame though you have decided to dismiss your loyal customers and instead bow down to Netflix.
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