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Posts posted by cregan

  1. 2 hours ago, Siven said:

    Also seen on twitter from Miles thats the UI for team talks is still the same which is dissapointing as the UI splits the team up. Was much easier to read in previous years.


    Oh god, so it is. I'd been hoping so much that that was one of the "UI things we'd have done differently in an ideal world" because it makes information so much harder to consume quickly than the old list of players + reaction. (And the "new team talk string" is just a new variant on exactly the same options there's been for years, so it seems unlikely there'll be anything wildly different from before in those.)

    Staff meetings seem to be pretty much just the old reports you'd get in a news item with dropdown suggested action, just with their own screen and more clicking through. The only real changes on the face of it seem to be the ability to get a second opinion from a pulldown and showing projected star ratings inline.

  2. 1 minute ago, XaW said:

    Of course, and that's why I wrote I think it should be fixed quite soon. However, the game is not "ruined" or "unplayable" or any of the other worse descriptions I've read here. The AI have the exact same issues as the user, in fact the user will have a slight advantage by knowing this and perhaps focusing on newgens or scouting better (to establish if the current player is affected) to compensate.

    No, it's not unplayable, but my point was equally that it is that "hard to mentor/tutor up" younger players and that mentoring can't handle it if the only players available to mentor are all also affected. Newgens don't come in until the youth intake ticks over, so even if they came in in enough numbers to replace an entire senior squad (which they won't, obviously), that doesn't affect the first-season experience. 

    For illustration: I started, and quickly stopped, a Scandinavian save last night, July start, unemployed, accept the first offer that comes in. That was Linkoping, bottom of one of the bottom leagues in Sweden. Good fun start, and by no means unusual as challenging FM saves go.

    The club has 17 players in total, all but two of them under 23. It has two players (neither over 23, as it happens) with Determination over 3, at a mighty 7 and 9; neither is going to be able to do any mentoring to speak of. The club's total wage budget is £225p/w so the scope for getting in senior (semi-)pros, even if there were any who aren't also Determination 1-3 (which, on searching, there aren't), is very limited. Adding a manager to browse other clubs at the same level, it's the same across the board: mostly very young players, with a smattering of near-retirement oldies and a few journeymen, almost all attributes probably unset in the database because of the level they're at, and almost all of them with minimum Determination (Linkoping is better than some; one of our rivals has one player on 7, the rest on 1). And there's no in-game way to change that because there are no mentors, and in any case you'd be looking to improve an entire squad rather than one or two duff youngsters.

    (On top of which, the way attribute points are distributed for a player's overall ability level seems on the face of it to mean that everyone at these obscure little clubs in obscure little leagues has remarkably good scores in their other mental attributes: only one of my team of no-hopers has Decisions lower than 8 and more than half have 11+, for instance. That rival with one lone guy with Determination 7 has almost an entire team with Leadership 10+, others are wildly Aggressive.)

    So I doubt it's a problem at the top end, where a raft of senior players with values set in the DB can coach up erroneously poor youngsters and cover for the bug. But outside that experience, it is. And while, yes, the AI suffers from the same problem, the user can't do anything much to get around it at that level due to the resources lower leagues have to offer.

    And even if every team in the division is populated almost entirely by fragile, inconsistent, charismatic geniuses with anger management issues, as a simulation while it might be playable it's still not especially enjoyable

  3. 5 minutes ago, XaW said:

    While this is an issue they should fix, and quite soon, I really don't see this as a crisis as many people in here do.

    For younger players, it's not that hard to mentor/tutor up the personality attributes to a good level, and for older players with unset stats... are that really that much of an impact for most players? With newgens not being affected as well, young talents will be available anyway. And the issue is the same for users and AI managers alike.

    I mean, I can see this being annoying if you want to take that exact player and mold him, but some mentoring should handle it quite well. Demanding ETA's or acting like the bathroom is on fire is kind of overreacting to me.

    Some leagues, particularly lower/poorer leagues, are made up predominantly of players below the age of 23 with unset attributes in the database. If you're playing a team in one of those leagues, everyone is affected and you don't have anyone - and may not be able to get anyone - to mentor the 90% of your team with their personality attributes set to minimum.

    So while it might not affect highly-researched, higher-tier leagues, that's not the case elsewhere, and "elsewhere" represents a very large chunk of the available playable league structure.

  4. I don't know how much of the challenge I'll end up doing, but having reloaded a zillion times trying to get Lewes, I figure these saves might help for a few hard-to-land clubs I've seen mentioned on the thread. Saves have all UK+I leagues active, large database + players from regional premier divs + I think top Central European clubs (or possibly in continental competition, or both; I forget.). And an unretired and truly terrifying holiday manager as a bonus.


    Met Police


  5. 1 minute ago, KUBI said:

    I replaced the shipping containers with blue spectators.

    They're nice, aren't they? I'm wondering about doing the same with the red traffic cones (they're in the corners of most/all grounds if you remove the corner wall) but using red spectators instead. Or the bins. It's just a shame there aren't any "bloke walking his dog past the pitch" textures... :D

  6. Just now, krlenjushka said:

    for stadiums with 0 capacity we  will have no stand stadium so there is no need for that. maybe we can create "tiny" folder with a,b,c folders and put in every folder same top? you have "medium_exit_steps.sia" file in 0-10000/a/top_xrefs- its small stand on right side across main stand. 


    You could. "Top" covers both the main stands (east/west, let's say, one east behind the dugout and technical areas, one west where the default camera position is). But because stadiums are built from a mix of the options available, I think to get more chance of missing/blank stands (and thus more 0-1 stand grounds down in the 0-200 capacity range), you want to give the game the missing/blank option rather than the standard "a" stand.

    So, if you've got "a_tiny" and "a_tiny_stand" directories and JSON entries for 0-200 cap, and "a_tiny" has empty "top_xrefs" and "right_xrefs" subdirectories, while "a_tiny_stand" has an empty "right" subdirectory but "medium_exits_steps" in "top_xrefs" just like "a", you might get any of the following combinations, east + west:

    a_tiny + a_tiny = a ground with no stands at all, just a dugout and technical areas.

    a_tiny + a_tiny_stand = no stand behind the dugout, a small concrete stand on the west side of the pitch.

    a_tiny_stand + a_tiny = a small concrete stand behind the dugout, no stand on the west side of the pitch.

    a_tiny_stand + a_tiny_stand = small concrete stands on both sides of the pitch.

    The way the game's behaving, though, I wonder if you'd still get stands from the bigger capacity ranges creeping in.

  7. 1 minute ago, krlenjushka said:

    i still dont get this- you want to say that different stadiums use different settings? not related to capacity?

    Yes. In these pics you've got three different stadiums, all with no "right" stands behind the goal, but with varying "top" stands:

    #1 is b+c at 1k capacity.

    #2 is b+b at 1k capacity.

    #3 is c+c at 2k capacity.

    (And I've got a fourth I've not posted, 3k-cap, that's also b+b.)

    There's obviously some consideration given to capacity values - none of these look to be e/f (and smaller grounds unaffected by deleting "c" had a fair amount of concrete I'd associate with "a") - but I think the bands grounds pull from has more leeway than the strict capacities given in the JSON.

  8. 2 minutes ago, krlenjushka said:

    "c" from 0-10000?  yeah but this will probably have some effect on larger stadiums...

    Yes, deleting directories isn't a viable way to get no-stand grounds for small clubs and still get stands for clubs with larger stadiums. It'll have to be done via JSON (maybe create an "a_tiny" directory with empty xrefs subdirectories for top/corner/right?).

  9. Side note: I've figured out how tiering works. Looking further down at the bigger grounds, in 30-40000 you have entries like this:

              capacity : 3480,
              hash_key : 1286829980,
              name : "SHORT_EXITS_STEPS_PLAYER_TUNNEL",
              section : [
                  capacity : 1288
                  capacity : 2192
                  capacity : 0
                  capacity : 0
              tunnel : true

    Two capacities, for two tiers. The first capacity is probably tier one (without a tunnel, the first one is higher). The second capacity is tier two. The "capacity: 3480" is the total capacity for that section of the ground.

    If you go down into 40-50000, you start seeing three capacities, for three tiers.

    Those entries with multiple steps must just be multiple options for the same section. Those bigger ground entries, which I hadn't looked at much before, also seem to have quite clear style differences between a, b, c, e, and f. 30-40000/d/ is two-tier all the way , whereas 30-40000/e/ is single larger tiers.

    Maybe capacity differences are largely incidental within a given size band (0-10k, 10-20k etc.); grounds are built from a set of style options ranging from your basic "a" stepped concrete, through "b"'s three-stage scaffolds, through "c"s whatever...?

  10. Maybe the game's inclined to pull the main stand from the higher-cap directories? There's nothing in "c", which still carries options for corner/top/right, or the textures the individual .sia files call that makes it any different to "a" or "b". The only thing that changes is the capacity set in the JSON. I think you've got a stadium with an option "c" main stand, rather than "c" being a main stand directory.

  11. 16 minutes ago, phnompenhandy said:

    Ooh, just did that - very nice! It feels correct that there are more people wandering off to do some shopping than attending my matches (average home games 30, average away games less than 10).

    Yeah, same here. Given the kind of football my tiny crowds in my Norwegian lower reaches save have to endure, I don't think I'd stick around either! :D


    16 minutes ago, phnompenhandy said:

    What do the green orange and red spectators do?

    As far as I can tell, they're effectively the same, just a different colour of jacket/top.

  12. Only downside is, losing the corners bunches the stadiums together unexpectedly, or seems to (EDIT: I know why; I should have kept corner.sia and just emptied the corner_xrefs directory in /0-10000/no_stand/), leading to overlapping barriers where there's no stands, and stands sitting on the running track/partition. I'm not sure if it's a terrible thing or not, but it's definitely an oddity (see top-left at BW-90's 800-cap ground here, and note where the main stand overlaps the colourised brown pitch border).



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