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26 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. hello knapy. i ve been missing really long time. i ve seen u updated such a big variaty in tactics lately. may i ask if we got any update to corner set up yet? or its mc 40 still?
  2. i see couple iof times that u recomend HGF 104 but highest score is 109 all cups. why so?
  3. i would really appriciate if u have a link download of tactic after a result post if possible <3 <3
  4. for me no.. only if u have team like city, arsenal ect..who the jumping /heading is greater than 15-16. so i can say 100% that the current SP are really bad. not consisstent at all
  5. much higher def without step up seems to give worse results in my tests
  6. any improvement at corner set up yet? i try to find a solution after the nerf
  7. load mc40 , then duplicate it x2 (mc40) ? right? or? short or outwinger near post (default ones of the game right? ) thank u in advance
  8. i dont know what is wrong exatly......i have step up ect def like other tactic above, i can score like 3-4 goals in a game but the def is so leaky that they can do the **** so easy and go from 3-0 to 3-2 like in 2 min or so... meanwhile if i try other tactic without that step ect, the overal rate of tactic goes really down overal
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