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Tiki Tak'n Turner

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Everything posted by Tiki Tak'n Turner

  1. will be responsible for team training, (after he finishes his homework,)
  2. useful tip, switch autosave off before this step otherwise weekly autosaves will overwrite May 24th file
  3. There is something that’s for some reason I find extremely annoying, i just don’t understand the reason this is even classed as feedback after the game, yet it appears probably 50% of time, taking the place of potentially useful information. edit: just to clarify, I’m referring to the “looking exhausted out there” comments.
  4. The most enjoyable season I’ve had on any FM to date.
  5. It wasn’t easy, played M.City in final league game tied on 88pts. Then won CL on pens after my GK got 8.17 MOM rating! 😃
  6. Celebrate what?! I definitely don’t remember including this in the team bonding exercises!!
  7. REALLY!!?? Have you ever seen a theoretical physicist who can play football??
  8. What are the best performance stats you’ve seen on an FM player? Look at these:
  9. Can anyone suggest a good “rule of thumb” when it comes to deciding a fair monthly fee when loaning a player out.
  10. There’s only one thing better than a Bright Sunday. TWO SUNDAYS!
  11. Has there ever been a study on the comments and behaviour of Football Agents, one of humanities true mysteries, Where does their definition of logic originate! Take this young lad, not only one of the hottest prospects in his nation, but in the entire sport, his contribution for his club is evident through his season stats. He is rewarded for this is equivalent to pocket money, £5 p/week!His contract includes a £3 million release clause which I find impossible to resist, This is how his agent thought was acting in the young lads best interests. And so, he will now continue to earn £5 p/week instead.
  12. Can anyone provide a possible explanation why this keeps happening.
  13. When negotiating loan contracts, I am unable to select an amount for mandatory future fee, It won’t bring up list of values as it does with other fields and attempts to enter manually usually ends with frozen screen then crash.
  14. I have similar issue, only the promise was for more playing time. Note player at top of list John Hall, also appears further down list with renewed promise following "unhappy promise not kept conversation."Here is his actual playing time info for duration of promise. This is resulting relationship status, We have a very close relationship, holds me in highest regard and I'm one of his favoured personnel while at the same time he completely opposes me as manager!!
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