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18 "You're a bum, Rock"


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    Football and Football (US). Division 2 and Farm Sim

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  1. Technically they are very similar but Song will marshal your defence better ( COA and Comms). Mental Attributes are however where Solis has a great advantage. Keepers with low concentration are prone to making errors. My initial reaction would be to gravitate towards Solis but before making a decision I would need to see the Scout reports on Consistency and Big Match Temperament. In Addition - can Song speak English? The Language barrier might negate his better COA and Communication Attributes. Song is a David De Gea type keeper - technicality sound and a great organizer of the defence but is prone to howlers that can cost you points. Solis is a solid if unspectacular keeper and provides a solid base to build a good defensive unit. My choice - Solis
  2. Your contract offer of Squad Player is short of his playing time expectations. You offered Squad and it looks like he wants Important Player.
  3. What are you PI on your tactics? I have my SK set to Defend and he does play the short passes to Defenders.
  4. No i did not read your article because my Anti-virus software went mad when I clicked on the link . If you want to go down the route of removing all aspects that are not true to life from the game then there are so many other aspects that will have to removed as well. The point I was trying to make was that instead of throwing soup on paintings and sitting in the road to block traffic be constructive and offer solutions instead of stamping your feet in indignant outrage. So because FIFA have said no to Fining Players then it should be removed from the game -Ok -what performance issue disciplinary actions do you propose to replace the fine system?? Or are you of the belief that Paul Pogba like performance at Manchester United must be tolerated and there can be no recourse for the club to try get its employee to fulfill his contractual obligations? How about having a constructive dialogue regarding game mechanics instead of posting links to articles.
  5. Ratings are not subjective - they are determined b the game engine not by the manager. Why remove something from the game that is optional? If you do not like it don't use it. And what is your constructive suggestion to replace this mechanism to improve Determination? What other mechanisms are there for a Football Club to manage performance? Football Players are paid to play Football and if they do that poorly then there needs to be some action the Club can take in order to ensure the Player does not come in and steal a living like Pogba did to Manchester United. Here is mine - If it is illegal to fine players for poor performance then introduce something into the Player contracts - e.g. 1.Game Ratings below 6.4 Player will not be paid Match Appearance Fee. 2.If Appearance Fees are withheld for three consecutive games player Squad Status is automatically reduced by 1 level. 3. Training Ratings below 6 for 2 consecutive weeks - Player is will automatically not be available for Selection.
  6. IMHO - Fining players for poor performance is totally acceptable because you cannot just fire them like you would to continually under-performing employees. Imagine Joe Blow coming to work and repeatedly not performing his duties - pack your bags you are done. A Football player is paid a lot of money to play football and if they cannot execute the function for which they are being paid they should be subject to some form of disciplinary action. Dropping a Player does nothing except affect their morale which in turn can affect performance. And if you continue to leave him out of the starting squad he starts pulling a Sancho/Ronaldo and whines like a 2 year old about playing time and you are destroying his career and so on. I start with Warnings and conversation regarding poor form. 3 Warnings and then I progress through the monetarial discipline route until I get to 3 - 1 week wage fines at which point the player squad status is changed to "Surplus to Requirements" , transfer listing and demotion to U21 Squad until such time that they are out of the club.
  7. Been a while since I managed a German team and funnily enough it was Koln as well. I used my II team like a U21 team. Lets face it - if you get to 22 and still have not made it to the first team you are never going to. So I would sell players at 22 and promoted U18's to II team. Looking at your II squad there are a least 6 player stealing a weekly salary and need to go- Trautner, Selger, Nottbeck, Kraus, Hauser and Mittelstadt. Try to maintain a squad size of 2 players per position.
  8. But they are not irreplaceable are they. Bet you can find similar or better players for less than you get for selling them. Idea - Move some of your bloated squad to the U23's and remove them from training units as well.
  9. Insert Team Bonding, Community Outreach and any other Training session that improves Team Cohesion. Play at least 2 friendlies every week during Pre-Season. If you were planning on this in a prior season ensure that you shorten the off-season to minimum allowed. I disagree with the mentoring methodology used above in the mentoring because player mentoring should focus on Player Position first. In addition simply clumping players together because they are in the same social group for mentoring is not mentoring it is Social elitism. Mentoring is, in my belief. a system of imparting Personality traits and Player traits from Senior players to young players. In order to get the best results I suggest you choose someone from your as high in your Social structure with the right Personality Traits to "lead the group" and add players 23 and below that play in a similar position. Simple methodology E.G. - Create Player Mentoring Group "Defence" - Add all Defensive Players from available List. Remove any Player over 25 that has a undesirable Personality trait. Remove any Player that has "None" under "Influence on Group" and "Influence from Group".
  10. 1. Check your GK's Concentration and Decision attributes. Anything below 10 on either will cause you issues. It appears as if your Keeper is "switching off" after your team goes up by 2 goals or so. Definitely investigate replacing him. 2. Your DCR also appears to be consistently poor - evaluate him as well.
  11. Why boost his stats??? Because Chelsea bought him? From what I have seen of him I feel some of his technical stats need a slight adjustment in the opposite direction. Kicking the ball past a League one level player and then using your pace to get to it cannot be construed as dribbling.
  12. I would suspect that he would continue to train in allocated position training so in this case I would think that he would continue to work on attributes associated with DL position. I would suspect that training as a DL and playing as a DC would have an adverse affect to his development though.
  13. I find that being very specific on training for U21 and U18 - as in defining both position and role training helps development. So instead on just training a player as say DL - specify the role you use in your tactics - e.g. Wing Back. For U21 and U18 I also tend to add additional focus on areas of weakness for that position & role. If you find the U18 Manager is playing a player in a different position than the one you decided then a rethink is required. Maybe your appraisal of the player is off, your U18 Manager is not good or you do not have players in the position your Manager is playing the kid in hence playing out of position.
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