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Posts posted by DaveCity

  1. On 25/10/2018 at 01:54, Fosse said:

    I've only played about 8 games of one save but besides a few early games (as Leicester) I'm getting absolutely battered, my tactic isn't particularly attacking and I'd say it's fairly conservative if anything.


                     DLF S

                      AM A

    WM A  CM D  CM S  WM S

    FB S    CD D  CD D   FB S   (The fullbacks were more aggressive initially but they were being beaten quite high up the pitch or caught out of position)

                      GK D

    Cautious or balanced and rarely do I use any TIs. I get opened up by dribbling far too easily and I've tried engaging higher and more intensely but that just makes me easier to play around and sitting deeper gives the opposition too much space. Individually my players aren't great but they're mostly mid table standard and I had to turn it off earlier because I just couldn't be arsed seeing my players being waltzed past time after time. I've given out plenty of advice on here, by no means am I an expert but it's massively frustrating to feel so helpless.


    I'll start another save with a different side because I don't really like playing as us but I thought the familiarity would help, unfortunately not :(

    Mate that 4-4-1-1 we have played for the last few seasons for some reason just does not work does it! 

    Real shame. I was hoping madders and vardy would be a right partnership. I don't know if we are generally rated a bit poor which is mostly the reason?

    Obviously we are a young side so hopefully everyone has high PA especially chilwell and Maddison. 

    Be interesting to see when the editor is out aha

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