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Everything posted by KristianT

  1. Your two top scorers played midfield. Is that just a one off or something to do with tactics? Looking forward to following this career.
  2. How does tycoon takeovers work? Does it work by significantly increasing wage and transfer budgets, but you're still in trouble if you go over the budgets? Or can you just spend and spend and the tycoon will cover losses when necessary? Or is it via sponsorship increases?
  3. A Rosenborg fan myself IRL so this will be exciting to follow.
  4. Thanks for the count, @Makoto Nakamura. Not quite up to SA levels, but for amateurs I'd think that would be draining enough when you think of the addition of their daily jobs and family commitments then again, even Pep's prime Barcelona only managed six trophies in one season
  5. If Nithsdale Wanderers won all the cups, how many games would they have played in total that season? Are we talking South America levels?
  6. I have to say I kind of feel sorry for you not being able to sign all your players from the intakes.
  7. Looks like you have to get a subscription for TV games like everyone else
  8. Understandable. These things so quickly takes the energy out of the save.
  9. This is really harsh by the board! If they fire you, go immidiately to the fiercest rival and make Envigado pay!
  10. Those tables with uneven match numbers is very appealing in a strange way. The sense of caos and barely organised fashion of it is fascinating. Looking forward to the intake!
  11. Some of those months are just unreal. You'd need a squad of 30+ men to cover that schedule! For Flamengo I count 79 scheduled matches that could've been 83 if they get to the Libertadores final and if they had gotten to the final of the Club World Cup.
  12. That league table is a mess! How are the fixture schedules for the teams doing well in Continental competitions? Sao Paulo, Flamengo etc.
  13. Congratulation! Been great and inspiring following this! Incredible stamina.
  14. Seems like some of your "slap bang in the middle" has transferred from one of your earlier saves
  15. Loving the ties in Conference League. So many interesting teams from Eastern and Central Europe coming in.
  16. "Excellent intake". Looks like it, yeah.
  17. It is sheer lunacy. I have tried to start of with Santos a couple of times, but never really made it far. Atm I am doing a journeyman in Europe on FM23, but might give South America a go again later. Either way, I'll follow your adventures
  18. 90 games! Perhaps even a South American supercup (winner Libertadores v Sudamericana, double legged tie?)? That is both fantastic and incredibly annoying at the same time how long is the off season? Do these 90 games get played in 10, 11 or 12 months?
  19. If you reach the finals of all competitions, how many games could you potentially play in one season in Colombia? I have counted for some clubs in Brazil on earlier FMs and arrived at 85-90. Always great to follow your stories
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