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26 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. I've just loaded up my game post update, and the screen size has inexplicably shrunk. Fantastic. Is it possible for me to return to the previous version? I remember a similar issue last year occurring after the first update and it took weeks to fix.
  2. Thanks. Possibly worth noting I've also occasionally had the game crash when reaching the SEGA loading screen. This never occurred prior to the update.
  3. Yeah, that was my first port of call, but no luck. It feels like the resolution has changed and with it the quality. I'm using a Galaxy S8 on android v9.
  4. Further to the above, is there anyway I can restore the game to the previous version?
  5. So my phone has automatically downloaded the update overnight. I've fired up my game today and it looks horrendous. The graphics quality is incredibly poor and the screen looks stretched. What gives?
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