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Posts posted by Valencia7

  1.  I really don't get the thinking behind some of the UI design in FM18 tactics screen. For instance, why is role and duty displayed in selection window if it's already displayed on the formation graphic? With role ability (again, this also can be seen on formation window) and name you're left with no space to view other information. There is no space to add any additional information on the selection screen if you want to add anything. I like to see players' recent form (last 5 matches), apps, assists and minutes played in this season. When I add all this, the screen becomes useless. 


    Also, the fact that you can only see 6,5 bench players might get annoying in italian league and friendlies. 


    Football Manager Screenshot 2017.11.03 -

  2. I have two stupid questions.

    1. What is the main difference between "Exploit the flanks" and "Play wider"

    2. Is it possible to play 4-2-3-1 formation with two CM(position, not role) and 3 AM(position, not role / in one line side-by-side behind striker), and still use one of the instruction above? Would that mean that two AM at each side play wider than usual or would they just try to pass it there? In that case would I be better to play with AMR player on that position instead of AMC?

    Tactic( I'm still tweaking with roles, but would be open to suggestions)


    My current instruction (will remove "Exploit the middle" if I choose to play wider)


    Will appreciate any feedback! Cheers

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