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Posts posted by AllRed

  1. I play FM touch/classic on 16, as all the extra nonsense is a pain in the backside. But I've noticed it misses players out, e.g. Liverpool save hasn't included a few youngsters like Jerome Sinclair, who isn't exactly an unknown.

    Is there a way to increase the database at all as the setup button is shadowed out, also a separate question, I assume by adding other leagues this will naturally add more players anyway?

  2. Thought it was pretty clear.

    What tactical am I missing here that I consistently have bang average fullbacks putting in pinpoint perfectly accurate balls, even when I ask my wide players to close down and show onto weaker foot, whilst 3 defenders in box can't deal with 1 striker.

    It's a theme of the type of goal that I concede in different saves I've had, regardless of the measure I take.

    You can read the guides and take all the wonderful advice on tactics to prepare a side but when you constantly get done by balls/moves even world class fullbacks wouldn't conjure up on a regular basis then I'm dumbfounded on how to deal with it.

  3. I'd change it to an attacking side with the defence dropped deeper to prevent the long balls, put more pressure on the opposition.

    But when I play 'Counter' then I'd have a 'Slightly Deeper' setting anyway, will changing mentality to Attacking still allow me to play in a counter-attack way as if I'm closing down more against a poor side or they're playing long ball/direct themselves then the opportunity to counter-attack the space wouldn't be there...?

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