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Everything posted by javier_83

  1. Hello i have an M3 Max macbook pro 16 and got the same issue..
  2. Hi Michael The same issue happens in the expansion league. i atteched 2 saved games one before and at the end of the game. Issue-ExpansionLeague.fm Issue-ExpansionLeague2.fm
  3. We have the Campeon de Campeones Trophy in both Liga MX and Expansion League. In my case i found that on the expansion league champion of champions cup is not played if you win both leage (Open and Clsoe Stage) and that-s fine because it suppose to be played between both champions. If i see the history of the cup it-'s working fine i won both years because i won the league twice. Also in the club competitions history you can see both cups: The issue came when i see my manager timeline.. i dont see that achievement. Also in the players Milestones you don-t see the achivement either: Hope i was able to explain myself about this bug. I attached my current saved game if you need it. Best Regards. ChampionofChampionIssue.fm
  4. Hello Team, I won for second time in row the open stage title in the Mexican Expansion league. when i saw the news regarding that board was happy because i won the league i saw that on the news screen doesnt show the past winners Past Winners table: i attached both screenshots and also my saved game. Best Regards. PastWinners.fm
  5. Next year. same issue Attahcing saved game just in the moment the board and team are unhappy because of this. Bu_expectation.fm Regards!
  6. The board asked me to qualify to the playoff. I did because i finish regular season at 1st place. and they mention i failed the expectation: I attached both screenshots and i can add the saved game if you need to. Thanks.
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