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Posts posted by Euneeq

  1. I have completed a full season and have just started the 2nd season with these tactics. I am in English Premier League and have chosen Liverpool. With some budget adjustments, some begging to Tom Hicks and selling around 6 players (3 to Man City) i had a transfer pot that was approximately £60 million, so I spend £32 million on PATO, £18.75 million on DIEGO and £6 MILLION on RAMIRES, My stats were obviusly very good, but after winning 6, drawing 6 and losing 1 game (Chelsea 4-5) I realised I had to use the control tactic from the start and if struggling switch to home. Has anyone experienced anything like that? So with that in mind I carried on drawing a further 6 games and winning the rest, Liverpool's stats been 25 WINS, 12 DRAWS AND 1 LOSS. So in short this is a very good tactic, the best I have have found for FM2009 Ver.9.2. So to the owner of this tactic thank you for your hard work in devisign such a tactic and keep up the good work. In case you are wondering the 2nd season I am playing at the moment I have not had a loss after 8 games and only conceded 2 goals.

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