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Posts posted by petrades

  1. 11 minutes ago, knap said:


    Itdependsa bit on expectation of what can be delivered by a tactic

    If you say 6th would be good it could be a case of good rng followed by back rng - luck levelling out.

    The other explanation is reputation and a common held view is that the AI go more defensive due to your good results, and it becomes more difficult to get results..

    Tests were carried out with same test team but one with high rep and one with low rep. Tactics performed better with the low rep team despite all other variable kept the same.

    If West Brom are 2nd then logic would say a top tactic like Preachin Blues 451 but the question is the team good enough to handle a top tactic..

    If you ask me on discord I may give a slightly different answer.

    @knapdo you have Discord link?


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