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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Central Coast, NSW

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    St Etienne

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  1. My recommendation would be to review how you are conceding chances/goals. Where are you players positioned when you lose posession? I'm wondering if you are conceding goals on the counter? Lower ability teams will likely look to soak up the pressure and hit you on the break, and a ball winning midfielder is poor at holding position. playing on positive you may find that you have a lot of players far up the pitch when you lose the ball I'm no expert but if that is the case you could try balanced instead of positive when away from home, or using a halfback to drop in and help the centre backs?
  2. When using Edit Search on the Player Search section of Scouting, If you choose 'Position' from the drop down arrow next to 'Add Condition' and choose any position (eg Striker), 'Role' defaults to 'Any' (as expected), but if you choose any role (eg Advanced Forward) and click OK, the results returned are blank. When you return to Edit Search, the Role is now set to Trequartista. If you choose another option (including 'Any') the results remain blank, and returning back to the Edit Search, 'Trequartista' is selected again. Note: If you choose 'Position' by using the dropdown list by clicking on the word 'Add Condition' it works as expected. The dropdowns also display different options (the correctly working version has a shorter list).
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