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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. Thanks Zach, could this be moved to the feature requests forum? It's a real pain to click through every single one
  2. In the recruitment meeting could we have the option to see ALL rather than select each individual assignment in order to see who the highly rated players are? For example in the screenshot below I'm only seeing the recommendations from England I have tried the All option but I don't think it's doing what I want. There's only 7 recommendations on it:
  3. With the new features in scouting, it appears I can only filter these reports by the assignment. I think we used to be able to apply a filter for only A rated etc. I've left these assignments to my scouts and I'm getting a lot of crap through like 35+ year old players. Is there no way I could filter this list to see only b+ rated players, under x price, and between ages xx-xx for example?
  4. Unsure if this is a bug or design choice. These columns used to be white which was easier on the eye and looked better (imo).
  5. When viewing the full squad on squad planner, if I click on a player to view their profile, then press the back button it goes back to the goalkeeper view rather than the full squad. Could this be changed to save the user extra clicks? Step 1 - View full squad: Step 2 - Select a player, Thiago Silva in this case: Step 3 - Press the back arrow
  6. No that's not correct. The minimum requirements are recommendations, it doesn't suddenly brick your computer. I play games with hardware below the minimum all the time. The devs just need to lock the option if you don't have the hardware to run it. The game then cannot crash. Job done.
  7. It absolutely does, what on earth are on you about? I have an old mid tier PC and I can't play my games in 4k. I can choose and play with the lower settings though...
  8. Yes you can. It's not a slider to adjust shadows I'm talking about. It's a complete option just like how we can still choose 2d if we wish. 2D, Classic 3D, Modern 3D. Everyone happy.
  9. If there's a graphics upgrade make it an option to use the current graphics. Everyone wins, even the 2003 dual cores. It's a crap excuse.
  10. It's not shortsighted - it's the exact point you've made there. When they needed to they did. No one is suggesting lightspeed improvements that requires an upgrade every year. The next upgrade will likely cover another 10-15 years at least.
  11. That's a good breakdown - FM is simply one of the best value for money hobbies there is. And people don't just use their PC for that alone. It's still a PC and will be used for normal PC things. And streaming etc.
  12. Love how you avoided the question - Do these players have the same laptop from 2005? No one has had one break and replace it? Why did they do that? Surely not to play a £40 game?
  13. FM first came out in 2005 (and most of us were playing CM before that). Are you seriously suggesting these players haven't changed their PC/Laptop from then? After all if they needed to surely they'd just give up and stop playing according to you... If they need to make an upgrade for the first time in the FM series history, 99% will. Maybe not instantly if money is a problem, but they will eventually. The same way everyone finds money for a new phone, TV, fridge etc. Sometimes hardware needs updated, that's life.
  14. I find it quite funny SI believe they would lose half the base if they raised the minimum spec. Apparently the users they are worried about solely play FM and nothing else. These guys have been buying the game year in and year out as it's the only hobby. You really think they will simply stop playing? What about PlayStation users when a new console comes out? Do Sony lose half of their base? It's a nonsense suggestion - people simply upgrade when they are required to. The only users you would worry about are children who can't just go and buy a new laptop, but it's a good thing the game releases near Christmas isn't it?
  15. I'm hoping with the lack of real new features, SI have finally decided to focus on bug fixing this version. It's something I had complained about previously - there are long standing bugs in the game that really should be the priority. Hopefully we get a really solid version of the game this year that they can use as a strong base for the new set of new features.
  16. They can very easily keep both sets of customers happy by introducing a proper 3d which requires modern gpus, while keeping the current version as "classic mode". Exactly what they did when they introduced 3d over the dots. Customers won't need to upgrade laptops if they keep that feature turned off.
  17. When we get a message that our player on loan isn't getting game time, we can complain to the AI manager. I would like an option to blacklist him, so that any loan offers he makes in future is automatically rejected.
  18. There are some news items that are the "Top 50 players in the world" or "Top 50 young prospects". They are in a paginated view of 10 players at a time, if a user wants to scout all of them they currently need to click into each player and scout. I'd like an option to scout all, or least change the pagination and allow the user to highlight all players so we can mark them for scouting easily. In real life I don't see why a manager couldn't go to his chief scout with such an article, and ask for his guys to take a look at everyone.
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