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Posts posted by sok777

  1. 1 hour ago, Jimmy Wong said:

    Sorry I have given you the Dxdiag post instead of the Mac system report FAQ.

    Are you running other programmes or apps in the background, such as stream, music, recording app etc...?

    Thanks. I already tried deleting cache and preferences and it didn't work.

    I have to say - I had the same issue with this animation delay/lag in FM 2019 on my old Macbook Pro.

    This one runs an even better GPU (Radeon R9 instead of just onboard Intel graphics) but the performance is the same.

    With regards to programmes in the background, I have tried to run nothing but FM 2020 (with steam set to offline) but that didn't change anything, unfortunately.

    I hope we can resolve it

  2. 18 minutes ago, Jimmy Wong said:

    Thanks for testing again on the public beta. 

    Looking at the recordings it looks like that you'er using custom graphics? Can you remove them and try again, please?

    Also we don't record asking you to provide your Dxdiag, would you be able to attach the Dxdiag on here so we can check for you, please?



    Thanks for the prompt reply Jimmy.

    I have tried it with the logo pack (that's the only one I have installed), with 1 league and small db but there's no difference.

    Also, can I run DxDiag on my mac? Not sure...?

  3. 16 minutes ago, Jimmy Wong said:

    Thanks for the feedback. 

    Out of interests, how many players and leagues are loading in your save? 

    Can you try with a smaller size db and league and see if it improves, please?

    I have started a new save now, loaded 1 league only with a small db. I don't see any change, unfortunately.

    The lag-ish performance occurs even in the game setup. It's as if the hovering or transitions effect are set by your engineers to be delayed.

    It is a smaller delay than before though, now with the public beta. In the FM menu it doesn't occur anymore. In other areas of the game it does.
    Once again, I think it feels like a lag, but it's just a delay in animations, if that makes sense..?

    Here are two videos, one from a new game's set-up and the other using the new save (1 league, small db):

    Set-up: https://streamable.com/v7a8l

    Game: https://streamable.com/un8o3

  4. On 15/01/2020 at 11:02, Kyle Brown said:

    Can I get you to to repeat the steps of deleting cache/preferences, and then start a new quick start save with standard leagues loaded - no extras. 

    It's odd that it fixed the issue once but repeated again. 

    Do you have any custom files installed? Logos, facepacks, filters, etc?

    Hi, changing 3D and starting a new save with 2-3 league (no logos, facepack etc.) didn't help at all.

    However, the new beta does help a bit. Doesn't solve it, but helps a lot.

    For example - 'FM' Menu is much more responsive, but going through players in squad is still quite laggy.

  5. Hi there,

    I just bought the new game and I've downloaded it to my MacBook Pro 15" from 2015.

    I'm already noticing an annoying lag/delay in animations, this is clearly seen when going through squad players, menu etc.

    Here's a video:


    I should mention, I'm running the laptop with charger, it's running on Radeon R9 2GB and I've so far tried the following but nothing helped:

    -Retina off (in settings)

    -Zoom out to 100% instead of 200%

    -Windowed mode instead of full screen

    -Lowest resolution possible

    -3D settings to Very Low


    Can you please help? This makes the game super annoying and slow.

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