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23 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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    Lifes a pitch

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  1. Hi, I have been trying and failing to remove the match rules from Turkey. I have done this successfully on previous fm but havent on 24. I want to remove all rules and I have removed them from the editor but in game they havent changed? I have managed to remove rules from other countries but Turkey doesnt seem to allow the removal of rules. I believe I was able to remove prior to the update but can't seem to get it working now. Any ideas on how to fix? Cheers
  2. The game is too easy as the others have said. AI squad management is truly awful. I have to use in game editor to make teams around me stronger. I often sell my best players to give other teams a chance and even then its too easy lol
  3. Something for FM24. the ability to set General Rehab auto for when its available for inured players and once the player is back to full fitness, the focus returns to what it was set at before
  4. After conceding I tend to use focus. I even use focus after scoring. If 2-Nil down I will berate and if I pull one back Ill use encouragement . I never use demand more seems to always backfire in fm23. Praise if Im winning big But in all honestly I just take each game as it comes
  5. hi mate are you still using PM Draugrson? I loved using that tactic! Would you be able to upload it as I have lost it on my save cheers
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