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17 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Hi, This works on the 'squad' page but it's not working for the tactics page. How can I reorder it on the tactics page? Thanks
  2. Hi, When you first start this game, the player roles on the right load as: 1-11 (Starting Lineup) followed by 7 Subs. The remaining players who haven't been picked for the squad have then been listed in order of their position. As you can see on the right, I accidentally pressed position/role/duty and it's messed up the order of their position. I keep pressing it but doesn't resolve it. It is currently loaded as 1-11 (starting lineup), 7 Subs but as you can see, the players who haven't been selected for the squad are no longer in order of their position, but random. It takes so long to pick my bench because of it as I'm having to look for names rather than pick by position. I have reset the sidebars etc. but no luck. There is a trick to fixing it but I can't remember what it is. If anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks.
  3. I need a bit of help with signings and I have a DOF I can utilise. I've forgotten how to do or I keep going past it and not realising. I want the page where you can ask the DOF to recommend players. The page looks like Squad Planner with all the roles in the formation on the left and you press on the role, select transfer or free agent and your DOF suggests you players to sign on the right. Can anyone guide me towards it?
  4. Not sure if I read this correctly. Are you scouting the team, finding out what formation opposition teams played to beat them? And where are you finding this information? I receive information in my inbox but I often ignore it as I don't trust the reports and I have my own style of play anyway, although maybe I should be using a formation which the opposition have been beaten by multiple times during the season. But obviously, it would depend on you have the players for the formation and whether you can get the formation to click. Which is why I was thinking about the scout report on teams and trying to use pros/cons /number of crosses etc. (or lack of) etc, that sort of thing to try and copy what they're doing to the best of the information provided.
  5. FM23 players only - When an AI team is on an unbeaten run in your league, has anyone requested a team report to scout them and find out their formation and the pros and cons etc. so you can try to adapt it to your team in hope for an unbeaten run, and had success with it? Especially if you're on a poor run of form. J Just wondered if anyone's done this before and whether you feel the scout reports for a team provide enough information to successfully, not directly copy, but guide you towards the style of play they're playing based on the information, pros/cons, stats provided - and it be successful
  6. Hi, I'm unable to instruct DOF to renew Youth Candidates contracts. The button is greyed out. I have also try right-clicking on the players name and selecting DOF to negotiate the contract that way but there is no option for the DOF to do so. This means I have to manually offer each player a contract instead. I have provided the screenshot below and uploaded my saved game: DOF Youth Candidates Contract.fm Thanks
  7. Hi, just quickly updating you that Stockport County are missing Jacob Davenport. Also, their Goalkeeping Coach Shwan Jalal left Stockport County to join Newcastle not long after Eddie Howe took over there - but he is still showing on the staff list for Stockport County. Thanks
  8. Hi, Basically Russell said, it happens when you run out of scouting budget. When you have a scouting budget, it's e.g. 2/2. When you no longer have enough to cover the costs of scouting for your range, it drops to 'none' as you're no longer able to scout as you've ran out of money. Your scouting budget drops from e.g. it shows as 2/0 - so you have 2 scouts, but the board/club say you should have 0 - as you have no budget or scouting range to justify using scouts. The only thing you can do is I assume wait until June/July whenever you get your next season scouting budget and whenever it resets. It makes no sense to me personally as I were to run out of scouting budget by the end of the season but want to bring in new scouts for the upcoming season, I can't. I have to wait until it all resets and I have a new scouting budget. I would call it a bug but I don't know if it's classed as one.
  9. I have no examples as I ended up switching the game off after getting 2 more red cards out of 5 with get stuck in OFF therefore it won't show additional red cards and penalties but I provided information on this in another thread had I saved my game. My statistics would be: RED CARDS 8 Red Cards in 38 games in my save. I know it's compared over multiple top leagues, but if you were to compare it to PL stats over 38 games in real life: 2022 1st: Everton - 6 Red Cards 2nd: Arsenal - 4 Red Cards 2021 1st: Brighton - 6 Red Cards 2020 1st: Arsenal - 5 Red Cards Don't forget that 6 red cards is the MOST over the past couple of seasons irl. 7 would be close but unnecessary as 2nd (Arsenal) only had 4 red cards last season. Nor has any team in reached 7 red cards since 2014/15. It's been 5 or 6. So, to receive 8 in 38 games in my opinion is too many. I have 2 more red cards than the team with the most red cards over the past 2 seasons - and I don't have any players that are 15+ aggression or horribly poor tackling. I understand how get stuck in + aggressive player + poor tackling, poor decisions, poor anticipation can reflect this. But 2 more red cards than the most in the PL in real life - my players would have to be really poor at tackling and really aggressive for this to happen - that just isn't the case. PENALTIES Gave away 9 penalties in 38 games. Just so you're aware, none of the red cards came from penalties. They came from constant clumsy tackling. 1 penalty given away every 4.2 games. In real life, Man City earnt the most penalties last season (9). There were 103 penalties in total in the PL last season. That means on average, you would earn and/or give away 5.15. I have given away 9 penalties and earnt 6. So, either this is slightly too high or there is a problem with defending/tackling. HOW THESE "MOMENTS" AFFECT GAMES If we were to class these as "moments" - 8 red cards + 9 penalties = 17 moments in 38 games = 44.73% of my games are being decided by these moments. That's close to nearly half of my games are being influenced (and mainly decided) by a red card or a penalty (against me). HOW IT AFFECTS THE GAME OVERALL There becomes too many errors, swings the game unnecessarily. It doesn't feel like all the player attributes are working when it's like this. It's an unnecessary swing and it's not like my players are wound up, it's completely random. It also leads to too many highlights of errors, whether it be a red card or a penalty within the highlights. Why would my players keep getting red cards? Surely 44% of games should NOT be influenced by either a red card or a penalty? that doesn't reflect well in the flow of the gameplay in 'Extend / Key Highlights' neither. IF THERE IS NO ISSUE, HOW DO YOU OVERCOME THIS? Is it a case of not playing with Get Stuck In (even though many of us aren't?) Is it a case of playing "with more discipline" even though that's an in-possession instruction? Is the best way to fine these players? Do they learn from their mistake? Just because some teams foul more or are dirtier than others, doesn't mean that I want my team to play like that. For every 6 red cards that e.g. Everton get irl, there were 10 TEAMS that didn't receive a red card at all last season in the PL. That statistic will translate across most top leagues alongside teams who picked up only 1 or 2 red cards all season etc. I want my team to be that team, what must I do to achieve this? My conclusion is that, there is an issue with defending and/or tackling. Or the issue with defending is causing the issue with tackling. Cards and penalties may not be the direct problem, but the after-effect problem of defending/tackling, or aggression - or the issue with defenders running away from the ball etc. players not doing what they should be doing. It may be something that fixes itself once other bugs have been fixed where defending is concerned. Whatever it is, it's ruining the experience of the game. I like unpredictability, but this kind is just a lack of brain cells, lack of awareness, lack of everything from a player. If this is the way it'll be from now on, how we can become the team the teams that DON'T give away red cards. So we can be the 0/1/2 red cards per season team. Not the 6-8 red cards per season team. Please let us know.
  10. I had 4 red cards in a row playing 5-3-2 (3 games) and 5-2-1-2 (1 game) (with get stuck in for all 4 games). Also had 2 in a row with 5-3-2 (1 game, stuck in on) and 4-2-3-1 (1 game, stuck in off). Since turning 'Get Stuck In' off completely on all my formations, I had 2 red cards in 5 games using 5-2-1-2. At that point I didn't even save the game, I quit because I had enough of the amount of red cards - so it never registered. But if I had, That's 8 red cards in 38 games. None were goal scoring opportunities, on average they were around the centre of the pitch and random. The players weren't wound up, they happen without any real reason behind them. They are unforceful red cards that end up looking unnatural to the direction the game is playing out. It also looks unnatural when watching games on extended highlights. I'm playing in the EFL in my save where tackling stats are poorer but so are the quality of player we face. If we compared to the PL over 38 games in real life, Everton had the most red cards last season with 6. Arsenal next with 4. I have 8. Gave away 9 penalties in 38 games. None lead to a red card, just constant clumsy tackling. 1 penalty given away every 4.2 games. Man City earnt the most penalties last season (9). There were 103 penalties in total in the PL last season. That means on average, you would earn and/or give away 5.15. I have given away 9 penalties and earnt 6. So this is slightly too high. If we were to class these as "moments" - 8 red cards + 9 penalties = 17 moments in 38 games = 44.73% of my games are being decided by these moments. That's close to nearly half of my games are being influenced (and mainly decided) by a red card or a penalty (against me). It's not far off, but it's slightly too high. Max. it should be around 40-41% with get stuck in on, with it creeping up depending on player aggression, poor tackling stats compared to your opposition and a few other attributes. I don't think the formation is the problem, nor do I think the red cards are the problem, it's the tackling that's resulting in red cards AND penalties that I think is broken. But it may be related to something else e.g. the way players are (or aren't) tackling, or running around in a circle around their player rather than standing still, or running away from the player or the ball etc. The players seem to have a lack of intelligence at points of the game that wouldn't affect the game, that then swing the game unnaturally.
  11. Supposedly, my graphic cards can only run 3D at 3 stars out of 5... FM22 ran at 5/5. It's not exactly like FM has intense graphics. If I can run GTA on Ultra, I'm sure I can run FM23 at 5 stars. Strange performance. Season 1 ran fine in smaller stadiums on the highest graphic settings on FM. Season 2, the graphics were fine but at times became choppy and the match engine wasn't smooth, it was also processing between highlights choppy (where it's loading the next highlight in the game, it would jump rather than be a smooth transition as time progresses during the game).
  12. With Get Stuck In I'm getting too many yellows and reds as well as giving away a stupid amount of penalties. Without it on, I'm getting less reds (but still getting a fair few of them unneccessarily) and still giving away a stupid amount of penalties. Tackling needs fixing. It's ruining my experience of the game. I have stopped playing the game now until the next update. There's no point fighting it, you can't overcome it - it's broken.
  13. I can't be certain but I think it may be a display issue. It comes and goes. Sometimes it shows e.g. 2/2 scouts and sometimes it shows 2/0. I weren't able to add more scouts or increase scouts wages, so it might know that I have enough scouts, but it isn't showing that on the display end for me sometimes. Sometimes it does, sometime it doesn't.
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