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49 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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  1. I've been having repeated issues with these screens. The right panels keep acting up and showing no data. At some point people here adviced me to delete cache and preferences - this seemed to help once, but doing this now doesn't solve the current issue. At some point I did manage to get the panel for my own team to work again - but team reports of opposition teams still look the same.
  2. I've been having repeated issues with these screens. The right panels keep acting up and showing no data. At some point people here adviced me to delete cache and preferences - this seemed to help once, but doing this now doesn't solve the current issue. Any other ideas?
  3. Happens again on matchday 35. No international break. They just all leave for six days. What is it?
  4. I get this kind of leaves on different saves in different times. I suspect it has something to do with the fitness of the player - but can find zero explanations in the game for that. Does anyone have an idea?
  5. Update: after closing the game and reopening it (also new update installed), it is now working. Seems like deleting the preferences + clearing cache was the solution after all. Thank you guys!
  6. Thanks, found it! So even after deleting said folder + clearing cache and reloading skin - the scoring analysis stays empty for me. Frustrating. Windows
  7. little update on this: this specific folder doesn't seem to exist for me (there's no folder called AppData either), but clearing cache definitely didn't help. Did anyone have the same issue before? I can't be the first one
  8. couldn't find a preferences folder, but clearing cache didn't seem to solve the issue
  9. The analyst report for scoring stays empty for me. This happens in every save, every skin, and for both my own team as well as opposition teams. The conceding graph does work properly. Anyone had this?
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