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Everything posted by Pipster

  1. Ah the old game is stacked against me. This is as old as the internet is. There are so many variables in this game that can affect the result of a match. It could even be the weather or the ref. Last season in my save playing as Newcastle away to Liverpool I got beat 2-1. Even after scouting them and researching them, my game plan was to press them with hard tackling. I got beat 2-1 After the game I looked at what did I do wrong as the stats suggest it was pretty even and I had more chances on target. Simple fact was I pressed for to long and by the end of the game the players were tired and Liverpool took advantage. I had 2 great chances to score near the end of the game and Wilson should of scored them but he was tired and not firing at his best. Simple as that. In hindsight I should of stopped pressing and stopped counter attacking and tried to see out the game and get a draw. That would of been a good result considering the quality of players I had and the squad that I had. I also looked at the stats for the game and Henderson who was playing in a DM role and he had a very high pass completition and was also involved in the most pass combinations. He was main the link from defence to midfield or right to left. Everything was going through him as he had the highest number of passes and highest completition percentage, I next got Liverpool in the FA Cup Quarter Final and at home. I decided to go with 2 DM's this time and to man mark Henderson and press him. This time I also decided to try and see the first half out with not as much pressing as the previous game to try and keep energy for the second half. Liverpool press quite a bit so turned the tables on them and pressed them in the last 30 mins of the game. This time they were tired and we score in the 83rd minute and then again during injury time. In the return fixture at home in the league it finished 0-0. This was mainly down to me playing more defensive as players were tired and I was trying to rest players as had Arsenal in the Semi Final of the FA Cup, ended up losing that Semi Final and it wasn't because the game is against me. It was because I didn't have a good enough squad to rotate and play with players that were good enough. Honestly, in those 18 games in your save, where you played against Real Madrid you have to look at where the goals come from? Who scored, who assisted? Did they come from crosses? Also if you played that game 18 times by quitting and reloading it then I presume you played a different tactic 18 times? Tactic Familiarity is massive in this game. I've tested the game myself to try and getting an understanding of how the match engine works. I have tested the game on stubborn matches in this version and other versions to try and work out why I kept losing in a certain match and why my players were performing badly. Not to cheat but to just understand the Match Engine and to learn. I don't get into the whole game is fixed. Why would it be? I normally belive there is a reason for certain things and I enjoy trying to find out what the reason is and then to learn from it. I remember one particular game against Leeds away and I could not work out what I was doing wrong. Spent ages reloading the game to tweak tactics etc, just to learn how the game and match engine works and thinks. Really frustrated as couldn't work out what it was and it turned out it wasn't my tactic, Playes were tired. From that save onwards I have used the medical centre so much more because I can now look at who is playing too many games, who has heavy training and who is fatigued. Before this I would just go by the heart system and the match sharpness. Now though I also look at the match load, training load etc. For example the 2nd and 3rd top players below have played 3 matches in the last 14 days. There is no way they are going to be able to play that many games and have a high training load but as I needed to play those particular players because of injuries I had to lessen their training to keep them fresh for games. In other positions I can push their training higher and work them harder as they are not playing as many matches in a short period of time. The game isn't fixed to beat you every time. The problem is you haven't worked out how to counter and beat a certain AI manager. If you uploaded your save game I bet many people could give you tons of advice of where you are going wrong or try and give you advice.
  2. Really do not know if this is a bug or if it is me missing something. Hate to assume it is a bug and be a pain the backside. I've tried searching for this issue but unable to fond anyone else having it and therefore it probably is me. Problem is my loan manager was meant to be be dealing with loaning players. I put parameters in place of things like training facilities to be a minimum of average but despite clubs asking to loan my players who meet the requirements I set, he just decliens this. I've ended up sacking the loan manager and taking responsibilty myself to manager all loans, transfers, basically everything. Now my DoF is decling the loans saying they do not meet his valuation of the player All responsibilty is down to me I don't even get the option to assess what offers are coming in as he keeps decling them. It is really affecting the development of my youth players as I always like to play by developing youth players.
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