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Everything posted by Parker

  1. First, I would like to see a way, when it comes to narrowing player searches, to allow you to set a recruitment focus for players in a shortlist. Meaning i can ask a scout to focus on finding a striker and scouting players in a shortlist that i created. This is mainly because i add every regen into a shortlist and then manually request the maximum number of reports each in-game day, but it would be easier if the computer could set it so scouts could, on their own, scout players only on the shortlist. Second, and this may be a technical limitation, but it would be nice to have no limit on the number of players i can add to a shortlist at a time. As stated above, i add every regen to a shortlist to scout, so for months like April or May, it can be annoying since there are thousands of players that get created those months.
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