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305 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"

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    Mechelen (Belgium)


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    Football, Racing Mechelen

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    Racing Mechelen

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  1. OK, but after thinking about this, this is still not correct. To get a licence for the 1th amateur in real life you need at least 5 persons on professional/semi-professional contract. This means the solution that you mentioned is not according real ife, and won't solve the issues in the 2 highest divisions. I still can't understand that this can't be solved in a correct way. Until 3 or 4 years ago there weren't these big issues with the finances (this is not only going in the Belgian leagues). Going back to that period regarding handling the finances shouldn't be that difficult. The only thing that is changing year after year is that the finances are getting worse every new FM.
  2. Thanks. Will this be in the next update, or is this already implemented?
  3. @Moondog777: I don't see Belgium mentioned in the hot fix of today. So I assume that the issue isn't solved?
  4. Thanks for the trial run. Unfortunally, it seems that Belgium is still unplayable.
  5. Thank you very much. Finally somebody who do something with our remarks.
  6. As Latvia has only 1 league, it's not applicable for this challenge. Sorry.
  7. I can only show the projection, and that is looking terrible. Losing €1.5M per year. So again, Belgium is unplayable.
  8. I also started as Racing Mechelen, but I was only 1 month in. Will start again in another country, but this takes already the fun away from the new game. How difficult can it be to solve this problem that we have for already a couple of years.
  9. So you actually say that the financial issue won't be solved ever? So Belgium is unplayable? Adding some finances to my club will only solbve the issue for a short term, and that is not what I'm looking for.
  10. Hello, Are the financial issues solved? I don't want to start a new save without knowing that problem is solved Looking forward to your feedback.
  11. What is the status? We are 1.5 months further, so I hope you have made some progress with this topic. Looking forward to your feedback.
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