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168 "Just keep swimming"

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  1. I'm finding the game way more challenging after the final update. Playing as Dynamo K and 20 matches in I have 4 losses in domestic league. Most of the time I have 1 loss or less during the entire season. It's not just me, Shakhtar is dropping points left and right, when usually it's a race to 30 wins between them and Dynamo K. I really don't feel like I can just roll out same gegenpress with mid season adjustment and win every game domestically.
  2. Evidence bas football made a video on how pressing and mentality changes have no effect of how fast players get tired. Just confirms why gegenpress is so OP. Just silly stuff.
  3. Doesn't SI have to completely recode the game for Unity? I am REALLY scared for what 2025 version is going to look like. I mean they either don't have time or desire to fix long standing issues with the same engine year after year. What happens when you have to move the whole thing to new code???
  4. Is anyone using targets for loaned out players? Any feedback?
  5. Oh yeah I've seen that! Lol You also can't change staff numbers with in game editor either. Really annoying.
  6. Board approved 4.5mil training facility upgrade but won't let me have another coach...they're still approving raises in wages. Kind of wondering when the staff numbers issues will get fixed. In FM23 I had 200mil in the bank but the board would never let me increase coach numbers.
  7. I've run into the same thing many times. Be careful not to over rotate your squad tho. Or to over tweak tactics. I tend to do the latter.
  8. Ok! Match engine is great! Now to completely overhaul interactions, international management, scouting, and graphics engine! Too easy!
  9. Anyone notice how the half time talk impacts don't seem to stick when 2nd half starts? I make players all happy at half with rainbows and butterflies and when game resumes they're all shown as neutral emotions.
  10. Just the number and variety of replies should tell you something about the state of the game. Frankly there are simply too many areas that need improvement to put in a single post. How long has it been since SI put in a new feature that was fully functional right away? How long has it been since features that are already in the game have received a major update? Unfortunately FM24 is highly likely to be just as disappointing as FM23. SI will continue with its course until the sales drop.
  11. I feel it would be kind of cool to have managers with traits such as - gegenpress pro (Klopp), tiki-taka master (Guardiola), total football (Lobanovskyi), defensive wiz (Mourinho), etc. The traits would interact with either team or individual player characteristics in various ways. For example - a strict disciplinarian would have a negative effect on players with high creativity and flair, unless the players have high determination, work rate and maybe bravery. An offensive master would allow the opposite to be true - creative, technical players would flourish but "grinders" not so much. A total football coach such as Lobanovskyi would require players with high work rate, stamina, natural fitness, teamwork, bravery and aggression, who would also perform better under his guidance. This would certainly require AI to build teams to fit the coaching philosophy of head coach. Each club can also have their own philosophy and only hire coaches that fit this philosophy. I have a feeling this is probably not workable given the state of AI and squad building, but would be cool to have imo.
  12. I don't see how you can test balance of a game if inputs are balanced. That's just a test at ideal conditions that doesn't stress test the system at all. I do agree that we're going in circles now. We'll agree to disagree on this one.
  13. It looks like the post you link supports argument about pace and acceleration having much higher importance than a lot of the other attributes?
  14. If this is a reply to my last comment, then you're not actually replying to what I wrote. You're misrepresenting the argument. We're talking about game balance, not discussing whether you can win in other ways. Nobody said that there are no other ways to overachieve. I just don't think you're really reading what we're trying to convey here. Separately - do you really think you can put together a team of 2nd and 3rd tier players based on other attributes, set a tactic and holiday into 4th place in EPL (that's what was done with Forest above)?
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