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Everything posted by ragnarokflame

  1. Thanks guys. I'll try and upload the file when I'm next on. Yeah in possession it very much is this. I'm quite proud of the way it transitions between 2-3 very distinct formations depending on phases of play and whether I have possession. No player instructions at all. The roles chosen get them doing what I need and I've not fiddled too much as it was working. The only thing I do in game is have my DM man mark if the opposition had a particularly dangerous forward player in the middle, or my mez do the same if they have a DLP. I change mentality between positive, attack and defend occasionally depending on the flow of the game. If I'm winning but its close I'll keep it positive but switch tempo right down to the bottom to emphasise possession.
  2. Hi all, I'd appreciate a bit of feedback on this one. I'm massively pleased with how this formation is performing in J2, but slightly worried I've unintentionally made some sort of cracked tactic. I'm playing as Kanazawa in J2, midtable predicted, yet I'm a good way through the season, clear 1st. Since creating this formation I've won 11/12 (1 draw), and have conceded 1 goal in those 12 games. My squad is good for J2 but not the best in the league. I've made a couple of free transfers but that's it. It would be good if people could try it out and give me any feedback. can it be improved? is it cracked/meta? sssssss The Concept The idea behind this formation is the thought that the position of the players in the tactics creator is your defensive shape, and the roles decide how they behave with the ball. My intention was to create a really solid bank of 5 with 2 screening when defending, then to build up in a controlled way allowing players with aggressive driving roles to move up the pitch and support the attack (Mez, Wing back, Segundo & Libero) This has worked even better than i thought. everything happens exactly as i hoped, the libero is basically a DM in possession, the wing backs are in some games my 2nd and 3rd highest up players in the heat maps behind my AF and they have acres of space. The Mezalla and the Segundo link defense to attack and it ends up a 433 or 41212 with aggressive wing backs depending how quickly they progress up the pitch, creating overloads and really nice patterns of play. My strikers both get plenty of goals from the low fizzed crosses, and the segundo Volante and Mez chip in as expected with late runs. quite handily due to the different stratas theyre in, the late runs come one after the other and always give an option. Below is some of the analysis from my most recent game against the team in 2nd in the league so you can see shot locations and average positions.
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