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Everything posted by Rigga89

  1. @MattyLewis11 I've been a long-time lurker on this forum and haven't posted for far too long, but continue to play FM and read threads regularly. I had to dig out my old login details just to be able to say what an incredible thread this is to read. Real concepts, strategy and analytics fed through to developing a style of play and a club philosophy in game that blends reality and the affinity we feel for the identity of certain clubs with the fantasy of the game. I've not read a thread of this quality on here for years! What's more, your tactics have given me a completely new style of play to explore with my Arsenal side, where I'm now entering season two and found opportunities for 2 landmark midfielders too good to resist (Gavi and Tchouameni) but then left me with a real selection issue in midfield. Freeing a man from the backline and putting an extra body in the middle makes it much more viable to get my best players on the pitch in positions they can be effective from. Having not played with a back 3 before (I never liked tactics with 3CBs and 2WBs), the WCB role isn't one that I've utilised and I'm amazed on support duty to see them so advanced, often receiving the ball in phases of sustained possession on the edge of the opposition's box. I'd love to hear your thinking behind using this role and allowing them to be so adventurous with relatively little protection left in behind them (understandably the half-back brings some much needed deep cover). I'm tempted to drop one or both WCBs to a defend role and then see if the half-back can then change roles to play their game slightly further forward. Is this something you've any thoughts/experience with? I hope to see this thread continue with more updates!
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