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Posts posted by SaHaf34

  1. @Jack Joyce One interesting thing I am seeing when I checked the match analyze tool. Actually Pietro Pellegri scored 2 more goals, one on 94:45 and one on 96th minute according to match analyze tool. But both of them not counted towards my score. I have never seen this 3rd goal while watching the game. Game was ended for me after that second goal of the game which was not counted. 

    Second goal of the game, not counted:



    Third goal of the game not counted:


  2. Hello @Jack Joyce, thank you for looking into the issue.

    This is when subs happened:



    I really do not remember what I did with the tactic. But what I can say is, I did not change the formation. I normally play positive, probably set that to Attacking or very Attacking.

    Also, I watch the games "full" on 2d. If that affect anything.

    Before the goal not counted on 94:45 I scored a penalty goal which was counted.

    If you need opposite team subs, I can send those as well.

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