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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Thanks for these. I have just read the book of roles and read the previous edition, the same with the pairs & combination guide. I still just don't understand it properly.
  2. Hi, I need some help understanding player duties and how to pick the right duty for each player/role. I've done some research and the general idea I have is: Defend - Holds position. i.e. DLP (D) will stay in his designated position when the team have the ball. Support - Makes himself available to all phases of play. i.e. CM(S) will offer himself as a passing option to build up play and join the attack when safe to do so. Attack - This is the most confusing one for me. Generally the reason to select an attack duty is for the player to set off early and attack the space when the team has the ball right? i.e. a W(A) will bomb off down the wing as soon as we get control of the ball. However, for example when using a DLF on attack they are still meant to drop deep correct? so what does the attack duty mean to them because their role is the polar opposite of bombing forward? Or the AP(A) will still play in between the defence and midfield. I can see on the attack duty they have the dribble more instruction but what's the difference if I just give the AP(S) that instruction? Then there is the confusion of a FB(A) vs WB(S) as they both have the ‘get further forward’ instruction. Which also brings me onto the IF(S) and IF(A), what's the difference here? what does the duty do for them as they have the same instructions. I've read pretty much all guides out there and watched videos available on youtube but I just can't seem to get my head around player duties and how to pick the right one. I'm hoping someone might be able to explain it in a way I haven't read/heard/watched so far. I hope this doesn't come across as a rant as it's not meant to be. I'm just becoming slightly disillusioned with the game and frustrated at myself for not understanding, what seems to be, a simple part of creating a tactic. Thanks.
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