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Posts posted by hamilton81

  1. I have won the prem and Europe so I know my tactics aren't bad (not amazing though!) but I need some advice on how to improve my defending please!

    I started to watch more highlights to see why I was conceding goals. When the opposition is attacking my centrebacks often don't mark any players or spot a run. They sometimes run backwards and watch a striker run between them and score. They don't spot runners and track them. Its as though they turn into Sunday League players.

    I try and buy players with good attributes. One of the weaknesses is my left full back isn't that quick but has high tackling, marking attributes etc. I know I need to address this but my problem is players easily pass or walk past my centrebacks.

    FBR Defend (marking 14, tackling 17, positioning 14, acceleration 14, pace 13)

    FBL Defend (marking 17, tackling 18, positioning 18, acceleration 11, pace 11)

    DCL Ball Playing Defender Stopper (marking 17, tackling 17, positioning 16, acceleration 15, pace 14)

    DCR Ball Playing Defender Defend (marking 17, tackling 15, positioning 17, Acceleration 14, pace 14)

    Team instruction is man marking, closing down and press more, tackling is default. I changed tackling from harder to default after giving away a stupid number of pens.

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