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14 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. I’ve basically said I’ve tried everything. Sorry I didn’t mention closing down less.
  2. Does anyone know how to stop the opposition playing balls over the top of my defence? I have pressing set to high, but it’s still happening. Even donkey CBs are playing Pirlo-esque passes over the top from 40 yards. I have tried playing all kind of defensive and engagement lines, step up more, drop off more. I’ve set my CBs to close down less and have tried using a covering defender. I’ve had some joy, but still not happy with how often it’s happening.
  3. I’ve just tried using some of your advice. Playing as Spurs at home to Chelsea. I was warned about Kaverts who was playing as AML. So I had Hojbjerg covering that area. I wasn’t sure what the best role was to give him, so I went for Carrilero to hopefully block off the right side. Early on in the game I noticed Kovacic was looking dangerous on the ball, so I had Son marking him. After 82 minutes the game was still 0-0. Son and Hojbjerg were both tired, so I replaced them with my new signings Leonardo, and Otavio. On the 88th minute Bentancur won the ball in midfield, played it inside to Otavio who played a through ball to Leonardo who raced through and slotted coolie past Mendy. Que double fist pump. We held on for the win. Chelsea finished with only 2 shots on target. Sterling, Kaverts and Mount rated 6.2. Chelsea’s XG 0.44. Very happy!
  4. Thanks, this is really helpful. How would you apply this to a 4-3-3 formation?
  5. I’m interested to know what you look for when analysing the opposition. What do you look for? I literally look at the opposition on the day of the game. If they have a creative player with low pace or dribbling skills I close them down. If they have short strikers I put wingers on their opposite foot. If they are fast with good dribbling stats I tackle hard etc…
  6. I have since cheated and watched a YouTube video that was very helpful. I’m now playing 3 defenders with wingbacks. 3 in midfield, and 2 upfront. It worked well in the first 2 games, beating Brentford and Arsenal, but then lost 4-1 away to PSG. I’m going to see how it goes with some tweaking.
  7. I’ve read that the defending in this years version is supposed to be better. I didn’t get into FM22, so stuck to FM21. But for me the defending is terrible. I have been experimenting with defensive tactics using a mid-block and different defensive lines, but still haven’t found a way of defending properly. I’m managing Spurs and have Dier (slow) in the middle of my 3 man defence. I keep seeing my defenders moving out of position to close down players when they don’t need to. I now have all 3 defenders on close down less, but it still keeps happening. I’ve now decided to put Dier on cover to see if that helps. The other problem is the amount of balls played over the top of my defence, even by the oppositions CBs who have poor passing and vision, or CMs when one of my players is right on top of them. I wouldn’t mind so much, but I have rapid forwards/wingers and good passers in the team, but I can very rarely get them to play balls over the top. This is going to take some more experimenting, but I’m getting pretty fed up with it.
  8. I’m finding it quite easy considering I’m still unsure what I’m doing. So far, playing as Spurs, winning against Palace, Newcastle, West Ham and Brighton. A draw with Man Utd and a narrow lose to Chelsea away. The game against Brighton was ridiculous, we were putting through balls time after time, scoring 4 goals in 9 minutes in the first half. One annoying thing is defenders moving away/back from long balls.
  9. I have just noticed that the numbers are showing, but the lines for passing, shooting etc are not.
  10. Loving it so far. Apart from some minor bugs and trying to get used to some of the controls, I played my first PL game as Spurs against Palace. After a poor first half I gave a positive team talk, made a few tactical changes and won 3-0. The player movement and passing was amazing. And I honestly felt like my changes made the difference (not something I really felt in previous editions), making it even more enjoyable. I’m hooked.
  11. During a match it only lets you give feedback to one player. Once you select the feedback the match continues.
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