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Posts posted by Drads

  1. 19 minutes ago, Totalfootballfan said:




    Ehhh… the result isn't impressive :(, it has incredible defense but it lack attacking power... I would prefer Phoenix V4 over Raider V4

    I'll remove Raider V4 tactic from the OP until further investigations


    Chelsea, predicted 3rd

    Raider v4

    A sim test of the 1st season

    The Morale and Conditions were frozen by FMRTE for all teams in the league









    Possibly a useful tactic away from home vs stronger sides, or a good base tactic for a 'underdog' side though?

  2. On 02/02/2020 at 11:08, rebmalin said:

    I've also switched to the beta match engine.  Alas, the 3-5-2 has stopped working for me, *but* I think that is also because I am no longer an underdog.  Have Leeds established, won the FA cup, Euro Cup, and am now playing in the CL.  Basically make lots of chances, but nothing goes in - I really hate deflections from shots that look like defence splitting passes they way they find the opposition players for the counter...

    The 4-3-3 so far for me is very variable... when I get beaten I really get thumped, especially from higher rep teams.  Does OK against teams I am expected to beat.  Alas my recruitment has been around the 3-5-2, so I am stuck with tactics that don't need wingers. :(

    No wonder real life managers are all bald or grey haired. :D 

    I enjoyed this tactic on previous version but have struggled on beta.  using a strong(ish) spurs team I found both this tactic saw me getting battered by the 'bigger' clubs at home, though was good away from home.  Tried the 4-3-3 fro home games with mixed results.  One thing I find is that any 3 at the back system (or narrow 4 at the back system) that utilises attacking wing backs places a very high premium on the attacking performance of the wing backs - they are the ones getting in the best positions to create goal scoring chances and are often the ones getting on the end of them.  Even with top quality wing backs these players do not really have the right attributes to execute in the attacking third.  Have switched to a 4-4-2 for the new season so that the more naturally attack minded players are the ones getting the chances!  Kudos to Rosler though, great tactic on the old match engine, I just couldn't stand playing the game on thst ME though, hence the switch to beta, which is proving to be a much more enjoyable playing experience thus far!

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