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Posts posted by zbprhhxhteqi

  1. Is there a way to prevent Media type items from coming to your Inbox? - for example "Question from 90min.com's Toby Henderson"

    I have already set all Responsibilities to my Assistant Manager under Staff > Responsibilities.

    You can apply a Media filter to your inbox - but that only filters items that have already arrived at your Inbox, and is only temporary so once you Continue you will just see Media items again.

  2. Recruitment Meeting - Staff are suggesting a RB, the report shows two RBs that are no longer at the club, and doesn't show the two RBs that have been signed recently. The recruitment meeting is dated 2021-08-23, the report is listed as being completed on 2021-08-23, the data within the report is actually from the when the player in question was last scouted on 2021-08-07. The Recruitment Meeting has the DoF, Assistant Manager and a Coach present and they can't put two reports (coach report and scout report) together to give an actual accurate report showing the actual players I have at the club? What is the point of Recruitment Meetings if they don't even use up to date information.

  3. I am seeing some weird activity from my DoF with contract negotiations for incoming signings, he was doing a decent job before but recently his offers have been way over-priced.

    Example:  I am Newcastle, first season, with Sven Mislintat as my DoF. 14million GBP offer for Oscar Mingueza.

    • My contract offer - 47.5k p/w, regular starter, yearly wage rise 5%, min fee release clause 37.5million, no sell on fee %.
    • DoF contract - 75k p/w, yearly wage rise 10%, sell on fee 5%; i can't recall if there was a release clause

    I don't know what is causing this - maybe there was an issue with promises and my DoF removed them all from the negotiation. Begs the question why is a DoF dealing with promises anyway in the case when a DoF has minimal control in respect to responsibilities.

  4. Director of Football - it would be good if you could give them some actual guidance before using them to negotiate contracts for signings like giving them a max wage, expected playing time or terms to exclude. I find that DoF contract negotiations for big signings are useless since they will include a Sell on Fee % which is something I will never include, I have also recently seen an example where the DoF couldn't agree a deal because a minimum release clause was included, I was able to reduce the wage demands by 1/3 and conclude a deal by including the demanded clause.

  5. More basic issues that have existed for multiple versions of the game:

    On the 'Scouting > Assigments > Scout Priorities' page

    • 'Prioritise Assignment' - you can't prioritise multiple assignments at once, you can only prioritise one at a time (note that you can cancel multiple at a time, but you can't prioritise multiple for some reason).
    • You can't search for a specific player by name, and you can't filter at all
    • Sorting is broken on this page - stuff like sorting by age seems to work fine, but trying to sort by name or by position only seems to do a partial sort. If you spam click on a specific header (ie. changing the sort direction repeatedly) seems to eventually give a full sort but as soon as you click 'prioritise' or 'cancel' buttons this full sort is reset to only a partial sort.

    Imagine a scenario where you need a new Forward so you have a group of say 10 forwards which you are currently scouting. Another team makes a bid for your primary transfer target, now you have to decide whether to compete with them for that player or change targets to one of the other forwards you are scouting. There is no sensible way to prioritise the scouting assignments for the forwards you are already scouting (since you can't filter by position, you can't sort by position properly and you can't group prioritise).

  6. I noticed that if you get a team report on different teams using different scouts, then go to 'Scouting > Assignments > Team Report Priorities' all the team reports will be changed to the scout that was last assigned a team report. I'm not sure if this is actually a bug or if it is working as intended; but why let me choose which scout to get the team report if you are just going to override my selection.


  7. Again, another issue I have spotted which has been present in multiple previous versions of the game:

    Scouting update (I use the list format):

    • No option to set a scout task other than 'Fully Scout Player'. There should be some option available to continue to scout a player. For example why can't I scout a player for 1 week (which is my default option for 'When you scout a player, watch him: For 1 Week' under 'Staff > Responsibilities > Scouting'), this option is available if I right click on the player.
    • If I select a list of players and one or more of the players already have a scouting task assigned to them the 'Scout Player / Fully Scout Player' button is greyed out and you can't click it. However, if I select a list of players then right click any scouting option is available to be selected. 

    Both of the above issues make the 'Scouting update' a chore to use for me since it denies functionality that should be readily available, the result being that you are better off mostly ignoring the 'Scouting update' and using 'Player Search' and custom filters instead.

  8. Another issue I have spotted which has been present in multiple previous versions of the game:

    Under 'Staff > Responsibilities > Media', I have all options set to my Assistant Manager, but I still get "Question from ... " in my Inbox and there seems to be no way to prevent this spam from being in your Inbox.

    You can filter your Inbox to remove Media messages, but this filter isn't permanent and soon as you continue the filter will be reset.

  9. Only just tried FM22 since it is on gamepass. Surprised there has been no changes to some obvious issues I noticed from earlier versions.

    • Training > Coaches page is useless, the page gives the same (actually less) information as the 'edit coach assignments' page but in a worse format. To actually change the coach assignments you still have to click the 'edit coach assignments' button to bring up an extra pop up style page instead of a regular page (the page is smaller and overlays the 'training > coaches' page and you can't use back/forward to navigate to and from it.
      Just replace the current Training > Coaches page with the actually useful 'edit coach assignments' page and make it a regular page and not some weird pop-up style page.
    • Recruitment Meetings - you can't perform any actions with positions that aren't in your primary trained tactic.
      So for example, suppose you realise you squad doesn't have good options in the DM or AM positions so you decide to set a 4-4-2 as your primary tactic, but you have your other tactic(s) as 4-2-3-1 or a 4-5-1. Then you would want to recruit a DM, AM or both, but when the recruitment meeting comes around you can't set assignments to look for these positions because they are not in your primary tactic.
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