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Jorg last won the day on July 6 2021

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    Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.

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  1. I completely agree with this. Southgate is by nature a cautious manager but that doesn't mean he hasn't done well in previous tournaments or managed games where England have been positive. He has actually picked a really exciting squad but that is going to be absolutely pointless if he barely uses it. He has probably just come to the end of the line with England and it will be interesting to see how they do tomorrow night. It feels like they need more than just bringing Gallagher in. The team is crying out for Gordon on the left. Surely a midfield of 6.Rice, 8.Bellingham and 10.Foden is worth a go. If it doesn't work have a plan to change it at HT. Teams have 5 subs so there is huge scope to make impactful changes.
  2. I did the same with Dalot. I didn't see him missing out completely.
  3. I agree with the comments about Clarke. I read what he said this morning and genuinely couldn't believe it! I think he has been really poor this tournament on so many levels. He can go for me!
  4. I wasn't trying to single out McGregor with my comment the other day, I was just being honest. He has had a really poor tournament. No idea how he stayed on and McGinn and Gilmour went off! It isn't all on him of course and he has been a very good servant for Scotland. Clarke can go for me because that was awful last night. So so negative and unwilling to take any chances until it was way too late. Surely you play the first half and then have a plan of what to do if we needed to be more adventurous in the second half. He just chucked a load of players on and hoped for the best. How you end up with McLean at left back and Hendry at right back is beyond me. Shankland should be raging with his lack of minutes. Adams has been really poor but he is another player that had barely played in the second half of the season. 17 shots in the whole tournament! We would be lucky if five of those were on target!
  5. I was talking about the first two games and McGregor hasn't been comfortable in my opinion. He was really poor against Germany and marginally better against Switzerland. He is a good player but he hasn't really shown yet in this tournament.
  6. A good point last night but it does feel like a missed opportunity. Why did he wait so long until making changes?! We do lack any kind of composure when it comes to keep the ball. After the first two games the only players that look really comfortable at this level are Robertson, McGinn, McTominay and Gilmour which makes sense given where they play their club football. I actually feel sorry for Ralston, he shouldn't really be playing but there is nobody else. I thought he recovered well after his mistake but he was blowing after about 70 minutes, as were a couple of others. I thought Shankland would have been there for the Robertson header but the more I watch him I'm not actually sure if he is that type of player. He seems to like being outside the box more than I thought.
  7. You would needed to have made those transfers before the GW deadline. It is like the Free Hit in FPL.
  8. Mbappe and De Cuyper OUT, Ronaldo and Stones IN. Ronaldo should have scored at least a couple last night so going to take a chance on him.
  9. I think I'm going Limitless MD3 and Wildcard for the quarter finals. I can see a few shocks to be honest so it would be good to change my team later in the tournament.
  10. Scotland at Euro 2024: Choose your starting XI for Switzerland match - BBC Sport Ok, call me a maverick but it is time to ring the changes! Clark in for Gunn. Hendry and McKenna in a back four with Tierney moving to right back. Hanley is too slow for a back four in my opinion. Gilmour back into midfield to give us a bit of control with Tierney and Robertson getting forward from full back. Shankland gets the nod up front with McGinn, McTominay and Christie encouraged to get a lot closer to him and even run beyond him. I know Clarke will never go with that but no harm in having a bit of fun and I genuinely think that XI would do a lot better than Friday night!
  11. Agreed. Apart from Scotland I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the tournament!
  12. I hope @thefmveteran86 doesn't mind but I have included a 'how to play' video in the opening post.
  13. I have joined the league so not sure if I will be added in week 1. I do like the fact this game is a bit different. I captained Wirtz and have just stuck with him. I still potentially have six players left to play if I use my bench players.
  14. It does feel a bit like that unfortunately. I think Clarke is probably a bit too set in his ways but I would love to be proved wrong on that. I would be genuinely tempted to go four at the back and play Tierney at right back. I can't see him changing it now though.
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