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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. New system is really BAD. For different tactics I used different routines, but now every time I change tactics I have to change the routines. For defensive tactics less players for attacking corners, for attacking tactics more. Routines have to pair for tactics like before, now most of my time have to waste for change routine every time when I change tactics, it's too much time. You have to save the routines for the tactics, when I change tactic, the routine have to change automatically. Yeah, it's also a problem. And if you want to make the perfect ranking for the roles basically takes forever. AI set pieces advices are useless, have to make manually everything. Also don't have the freedom to assign roles, like if I want to send 4 players to stay forward, I can't, only 3. So if the new system can only offer this, than the previuos was better. Hope things will improve in full game, because this is worst than before.
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