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Posts posted by Toney

  1. Here's a few, off the top of my head:

    * More tactical depth from the AI. I'm sick and tired of seeing 90% of the teams playing 4-4-1-1. I almost threw up when I saw Real Madrid play 4-5-1 against me one time. Florentino Pérez would kick his manager to the curb 10 minutes after that match ended.

    I can agree that sometimes managers will change things up depending on the opposition, but more often than not it's via roles and instructions, not formation. You should have some sort of "preferred formation" attribute for AI managers, and have them stick with it.

    * Sweeper Keeper. Pretty please, with sugar on top.

    * Individual Training (maybe just have team training by default, but add an option to override it and set an individual schedule when required OR the ability to add more schedules to group training).

    * Position training via playing in that position, all the way to Natural. Like in FMC. Having a menu for it, and the possibility of players not obeying feels... not right.

    I can assure you that Mascherano will play in MC position if I tell him to. He wouldn't say "I'm too old to start playing 10 meters ahead!".

    * Rework consistency and important matches. Maybe tie them to personality traits like pressure, professionalism, ambition... and make them be able to be improved (for real, not 1-2 points in 10 years) as they get experienced.

    Players stuck with the same rating througout their whole careers is ridiculous, specially for youngsters at the start of the game. IMHO, this is a big part of what makes the game easier and easier over time.

    * Make scouting more accurate, but take WAY longer. Discover hidden stats and personality traits over a year or two of scouting.

    * Regen System Revamp: It takes literally 2 minutes to spot 90% of them. They have the same natural position (they only have a chance to ERASE their less proficient ones) and more often than not retain their nationality. The only "randomization" is in the Heading stat, and that they come back with Important Matches @ 20 more often than not. They retain all personality traits.

    I believe the future of FMH lies in NEWGENS, but if you still think we're all playing on brick like motorolas from 20 years ago and don't want to add more data, then I'd do this:

    1) Completely randomize nationality. ALWAYS, not 10% of the time.

    2) Randomize personality traits (or use nation templates, with some room for randomness, like in the PC version).

    3) Stop screwing up physical stats. A player with 5 stamina wouldn't make it to his 25 years as a professional footballer if he can only run for 45 minutes. The playerbase is limited enough to have half of the regens get screwed by this.

    4) Make them all start at age 15-16, and have them take at least 3-4 years, if not more, to develop to "first team material". It took my last 16 y/o Raul regen only a year to become a quality reserve, and another year to be my starting FW. On Barcelona, not Badajoz.

    * Fix finances. Player salaries are ridiculously inaccurate, and so are bonuses and transfer budgets. You get like 25 million for winning the champions league, but some teams (even top teams) don't even have access to that much after a treeble.

    * Individual instructions. At the very least for passing, tackling and maybe pressing. If my DMC gets a yellow card, I should be able to lower his tackling aggression without turning off the heat of the rest of the team.

    * Fix ratings. They're too biased towards goals and assists, and this affects morale, form and, in the end, player performance. Key interceptions, passes, dragging defenders away... there's a lot of things that could give bonuses.

    * Match engine needs to be improved. The WHOLE GAME is the match engine. Passing strategies make no difference in possession or completed pass %. Goalkeepers are terrible. Match results are more random than they should, and there's exploitable formations that would NEVER EVER work IRL, but they do on FM.

    I think the 2 most important things in the game are: match engine (the game itself) and how you handle regens/newgens, because that's what keep us engaged or kills the game after the first 5-8 years.

    If I was directing the game, I'd focus on that, instead of features that don't make the game better, but makes you look like you did something.

    My 2c.

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