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Posts posted by RobertPage

  1. 3 hours ago, Simon Tipple said:

    Cheers! Increased to 12 for now. Any higher bumps his RCA a couple of points above his CA and I'm not sure there's any attributes I'd feel comfortable decreasing at this stage. Can look again in Jan!

    i really don't understand this. CA shouldn't even be considered when giving players their attributes. You most definitely shouldn't even have to consider dropping other attributes to justify raising another to where it should be. I've seen CA mentioned a few times in this thread and it seems an awful way to decide stats when they don't affect on pitch performances, which is the most important thing about attributes.

  2. Really enjoying the match engine this year. Is the best since fm12 in my opinion. Still goalkeepers are a big problem though. Shot stopping has improved but movement, especially from balls that go from one side to the other (I.E crosses from left to the far post). Too often goalkeepers just stop and dive when they reach the middle of the goal, so with the angle its pretty much an open goal for the attacker. Also penalty animations are inconsistent. The game has lost that feeling of certain events leading to those moments that leave you feeling like you've been "Fm'd" (which is a huge positive) but penalties still give me this feeling where it feels like the outcome of penalties are pre determined 

  3. 1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Skip to 2:07.

    Player running towards byline has two free players in the 6 yard box and shoots instead.

    This picture shows what it should look like when players shoot from this angle. From the angle of the camera, sure it looks like a simple pass. Though put yourself in the players boots. He had so little time between receiving the ball and having to make a decision (in FM players are taking multiple touches with loads of time). If he takes another touch here, a recovering tackle could be made by No 8. Also the defenders positioning is decent. From our angle we can see the ball across is still on, but again in the players boots he has so little time and its difficult to spot the attacker (In FM defenders would be about 5 yards behind the attackers here). I said it on another post yesterday, the big problem in fm isn't the players shooting from these angles, the problem is that the defenders are terrible and are often so out of position that there's no excuse for the pass not being made. Imo the work has to be done on the defending for these situations, not the attacking

    fm dl.jpg

  4. 7 hours ago, Nebuuu said:

    I hate this sooo much. :D
    He will shoot instead of passing to the left. *grrr*
    See this so often. I know BETA and it will be fixed i guess.
    Whatever...there is potential@FM2020

    Almost 1 Season (3D) finished, had fun so far.
    I wish you all a nice sunday. Liverpool - ManCity....so damn excited! :D
    Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiverpoooooooooooooooooooool, Liiverpool!


    My biggest problem with these is more how often we see this situation. For me, as a striker i'd always be shooting there but how often IRL do we see a striker through on goal with so much time. It happens multiple times a game on FM. When the player has a tighter angle though i'm totally with you. In this picture a player with low composure and vision is less likely to be aware of the teammates position. When they're coming it from a tighter angle though the pass is right there for them to see but they still shoot. For me though, the biggest problem is probably the defending. These situations happen way too often. 


    11 minutes ago, Double0Seven said:

    He worded it a bit harsh, but the beta has been out for 10 days. How much can you properly test in one day (10 ME/10 days) ? SI themselves said that a single change has many effects and the ME is incredibly complex. Unless the SI employees run on caffeine and are testing 24/7 (I hope not) you cannot fault the man for thinking that. 

    Let's be realistic here. A match engine a day seems rather hard to properly test. Of course I have no idea how the team works, but it seems rather impossible to do this in a day given what SI has said about the ME. 

    I find it rather harsh to straight assume that this guy meant it as an insult. He overreacted for sure, but a mod taking words out of his mouth is also overreaction in my opinion. You want us to be nicer here (and we should) but cmon a mod has to set the right example. 


    Exactly. The statement is baffling. Updates for the match engine stop after the march update every year. We're told this has to happen so that the next release can be "the best FM ever" and now they're saying there's been 10 internal updates within weeks. 

  6. 40 minutes ago, kidd_05_u2 said:

    Hey, for those like me who have been discontent with the ME 2000, I think you should read this from SI staff:


    It may seem naive to some, but now I feel much better about the release date update. Miles already said this will be the best FM ever. Let's hope they can deliver :thup:

    Over 10 internal Match Engines.. Its actually worrying to hear that. Last year the Beta ME was close to being the best ever, come release it was dreadful. If they're making so many changes without proper testing then its no wonder the match engines have been holding this game back for so many releases

  7. Few games in. These are some problems with ME I’ve noticed :-

    - Loads Of shots. Had multiple games where I’ve had over 30

    -Long balls from deep. Setup to play short passing but too often long diagonal passes are played in behind opposition defence 

    -Fullbacks coming narrower the higher up the pitch they go. I’ve noticed that on the half way line they’ll hug the touchline but as soon as they get possession or move up the pitch they start to get narrower (all instructions tell players to stay/go wide. 

    -Cross from byline doesn’t work.

    - Lack of striker movement. Another year where strikers are marking centre backs

    - Playing with an AMC is basically playing with 10 men. CMs go wide to full backs 99% of the time. 

  8. 1 hour ago, CFuller said:

    For some people (like me), there's a clear distinction between having a favourite version and a version they consider to be the best.

    My favourite FM was FM13, which came out when I was 22. That's mainly because I enjoyed my longest ever save on that version - 31 seasons, 21 of which I spent taking Dagenham & Redbridge from the Conference to becoming English, European and world champions.

    In my opinion, the best FM so far was FM17. My only major gripes with FM17 were the surprisingly regular fluke cross-shots (which, admittedly, were around for quite a while) and the hideous newgen faces. I'm reserving my final judgement on FM19 until after the final patch, but I think that will overtake FM17.

    Then we'd all be complaining about fast strikers moving through defenders, as opposed to not moving at all. :brock:

    Id take unbalanced but fun to watch/play over unbalanced and boring to watch/play, all day, everyday  :')

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