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105 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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  1. Hey, you know you can compare your own squad to the rest of the league through the squad planner page and going on reports and comparison. i was wondering, can you similarly view how your next opponents compare to the rest of the league. I can see the page where it directly compares your team to theirs but I’m struggling to find how to compare them to the rest of the league. thanks for any help.
  2. I’ve a feeling better graphics comes at a cost of adecent match engine. The game will just end up being a stadium building simulation, that’s all people will use it for.
  3. The news Look exciting. I do hope they keep the 2D view though, just in case.
  4. Nah not really worth buying at all. Maybe in a sale, if you haven’t tried fm 20, 21, 22. The game is the biggest waste of money I’ve spent, personally.
  5. Please, si, consider the press conferences for future editions. It’s an area I DO want to play but it’s extremely tedious these days, some of these conferences have an absolute ton of questions to answer, and answers can feel like they are essays long. It’s just not fun…and also the feeling I get is that it’s all just trying to trip me up, like navigating a mine field where one bad answer has negative impact on the team. This whole thing just needs a re-think with a more fun approach I think.. it’s just so tiresome and annoying as it is right now.
  6. You know you guys like the whole create ur manager business. Can we have hats or specifically I’d like a cap for my manager in the style of peaky blinders. That’s just really what’s missing from my managers style right now.
  7. That does look really excellent
  8. Have you guys at Si considered just ripping this bore of a game up and going back to CM 01/02 and starting again from there?
  9. I’m not ashamed to say if a player has a problem I need to speak to them about it, I always save before proceeding, cos it’s a complete random potluck and I don’t think it’s fair that I can potentially end losing the whole dressing room over a small issue. I get it can happen in real life where players get upset but the way it’s implemented in the game is just game breaking, for me.
  10. I’m afraid I agree with the sentiment that the game is really really boring to play these days.
  11. Hey, does it make sense to anyone else that if you have a wingback on attack, bombing up the pitch that one might consider putting the central defender on that wingbacks side to ‘stay wider’ to cover him while he’s bombed forward. Does that make any sense at all?
  12. I’m not judging the ME after the update here, I really haven’t spent much time with it yet. I was wondering, more by curiosity, would it be something SI would consider (or even be possible) that they could release the ME before the update. So then everyone has a choice and can play on the ME they enjoyed more.
  13. You’re not trying to rush them, but you ‘demand fixes ASAP’. So which is it?
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