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Trevor L.

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22 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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    Father and gamer who plays a lot of different things.

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    Racine,WI USA


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  1. I have a name that is my alter ego for any game I need to name myself. Been using the name for 20+ years. Trevor L.
  2. Wont be able to check on this for a while but did SI release a league on Steam Workshop like years past? Trevor L.
  3. You guys would absolutely go bonkers with the way I play if 8 hours get you a season. 8 hours might get me preseason at most. It takes me about a week to 10 days to get a season done. and thats a lower league team. If I play my Arsenal or Roma it will be about 2 to 2.5 weeks a season. It moves at the pace I want and I enjoy it. Trevor L.
  4. Glad you're here. I think I can safely say that for the most part this is a tremendous group of people who go out of their way to make everyone feel comfortable. As an American who came to this forum 20 years ago to learn about the beautiful game I was welcomed with open arms and have never felt degraded or unwelcome. I hope things are always getting better for you and know that there are plenty here who would gladly be there for you. Stay safe my friend. Trevor L.
  5. Since Gibralter is now in the game from the start will there be a new league that can be added from Steam once the full game is released? Trevor L.
  6. Just starting up, but so far so good. Seems clean, runs very quickly and smooth. The last few games ran Ok on my machine but there was always a little hitch in the 3d game not a huge deal but got a little annoying and no one could figure it out, but so far the game runs smooth and no hitch, so I am very pleased. I will jump into other aspects to see how they run but overall Im very glad this is running the way it is. Cannot wait till the full game is released and I can start a game fully. Great work SI Trevor L.
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