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Posts posted by Letissier1980

  1. Hi herne79,

    A fantastic post here started by which I think is everyone's first love - a picture of a system worked out on paper ! Anyway I would like to touch upon a question that you have asked that I believe no one has replied to - the defensive role in centre midfield.

    In Fm16 I have too started using the BWM D as I found in FM15 with a CM D he started too deep and almost gave the opposition midfield too much time on the ball, then with his higher closing down settings, gets to the player who then passes it past him! I ended up using a cm(s) with hold position highlighted.

    In fm16 I have found the bwm (d) exactly what I would want from my defensive screen in midfield - its just a shame I cannot get the other parts right!

    All the best !

  2. Ok. As my 3 week old baby is trying to resist his sleep and my mrs is pottering about I'm going to give this a try. I am basing this on zonal markings analysis of the game. Also my middle child is a Chelsea fan so I guess I owe it to him to do this :).

    This is my first try at this so please go easy on me. Remember some people aren't as good at this game as you guys :) as always feedback of this / advice and suggestions is what I would like to provoke.

    Starting with the formation and philosophy I am going for a kind of 4-2-3-1 but with Ramires playing as a wm on the mr to cut off the supply to silva. I believe mourninho was playing counter, maybe some might even think defensive - thoughts please. Last of all with philosophy. Going by the 12 steps for the roles I have chosen I guess due to 1 or maybe two specialist roles fluid would be the call. For some reason I do think balanced could be an option. Answers on a postcard please.

    Last of all positions and roles.

    Cech gk d

    Ivanovic. Right fb a

    Cahill. Cb d

    Terry cb d

    Azpelicueta left fb s

    Luiz. Right Dm d.

    Matic left anchor man d

    Ramires right mid. Wide midfield s

    Willian am a

    Hazard left if a

    Eto'o complete forward s

    Again team instructions up for discussion. You could probably but Ramires as cut inside and play narrower. Maybe have Willian as shadow striker? Not sure about eto'o either.

    I'm sorry if I have completely wasted your life reading this but if anyone would like to offer their tuppence it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for reading

  3. Great work on the thread Llama, sure lots of people like me will really appreciate the effort you put in on this!

    Not sure if you remember me but you gave a few pointers on my Arsenal tactic in the Mentality Ladder thread. Well I am starting to get somewhere with my possession based control tactic but still struggling with the counter attacking Plan B.

    Watching the Chelsea vs Man City game this showed exactly how I would like the team to play. Not sure if you watched the game but if you did I'd be interested to hear how you would go about setting this up on Football Manager?

    Thank you very much!

    Hi mate there is a article on zonal marking about this game. I thought Chelsea's game plan was excellent. I'm on my I pad at the moment and cannot for the life of me create links. I would love to create this setup.

  4. That's why we have a graph in the profile for training attributes as this shows some of the changes better than a green arrow does on a profile. It's why a red arrow isn't always bad, it could be he lost 0.01 off an attribute whcih isn't even noticeable yet some will think the player is on a major decline :)

    Bang on as always. Class thread as always. Can't believe you mods don't get paid for the work you do on this site. Happy new year to you.

  5. You have to remember that attributes aren't actually scored on 20's under the hood its 100. So each bit has a stage to it, so some attributes depending which stage they are at will change in the 2 month period an awful lot of the time. That's why I rotate because its unlikely that something will change 2 in a row, so I shift the focus for a while elsewhere while the other attributes still rise naturally on their own if that makes sense.

    I've just learned something new today


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