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Posts posted by FistOfTheFirstMan

  1. 1 minute ago, bringbacklilnux said:

    Yes, it allows you to edit many in-game variables.

    Usually available to purchase about the same time as the full release, for about £5.

    Only problem is, it can make you godlike - you can edit player attributes, moves players to your club, increase budgets, remove injuries etc etc etc - which, as said, can spoil your save.  Or be fun depending on what you want to do.

    Thanks that's good to know! I won't use it to change anything else, because I like the challenge. Just don't want to rely on sub-standard English players. Mind you, Messi would look pretty good in a Villa shirt...

    Last question; where do I purchase the editor from?

  2. 5 hours ago, bringbacklilnux said:

    When available, you could use the in-game editor to add English as a nationality to the player you are trying to sign.

    But unless you are close to saintly it is very hard not to use the editor for 'other' advantages as well - which depending on what you want to do could completely spoil your save.

    Like you, I will stop my home-town club save now and wait until I can use the pre-game editor before starting it again.


    Thanks for the answer mate. Is this something that can be done in an existing save? And is the in game editor available immediately upon full release?

  3. Hey everyone

     I've played fm for years, but never used an editor before - always thought of it as unholy! However, the whole brexit scenario is making me reconsider. Going to be enough of a ********* in Britain over the next few years anyway, without my favourite escape from reality being bombed by it too. I'm only a couple of months into my save, but by the sound of some of the messages on here, come 2021 it's incredibly hard to sign foreign players. Was wondering how I would go about removing brexit/wp? Do I have to start a new save or is there an editor which will allow me to introduce this into my existing save? Feels like it should have at least been an option at start of game. They haven't imposed Covid because it was unclear how this wouldn't spoil the game, and yet they have introduced something which is in no way settled as part of the exit agreements? 

    Sorry if this is a noob question, but I've never tinkered with the game before


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