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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. I loaded the "your world" database as I thought it would be fun to play around with. Went Aston Villa and tried to sign Milan Skriniar. Offered him £150k/week, £8M signing on fee, loads of extra clauses thinking I could nab him before any real big players came in but then Atletico Madrid, Real Madrid and a number of others came in for him so I expected to miss out. He chose to move to a Saudi club, which probably wouldn't be that surprising nowadays until you look at his wages of £78,000 and <£4M loyalty bonus. There's just no way a player of that calibre would move to Saudi for that wage when he could get double at Villa or whatever the Madrid clubs were willing to offer. I've added an earlier save from before I offered the contract so you should be able to recreate it if you try.
  2. There are players at Aston Villa and perhaps other clubs that I haven't played as who have transfer clauses duplicated. For example, Ollie Watkins has a 20% sell-on twice, as well as the monthly instalments to pay to Brentford all in twice. Same thing with Jamaldeen Jimoh. Wesley Moraes also has two instances of wage contributions to Stoke.
  3. He should be much better than they've made him. Probably Villa's best midfielder and one of their best players in real life.
  4. I'm experiencing the same issue and have uploaded my save called Aston Villa. It's made the game completely unplayable now as I cannot move on to the next day
  5. It doesn't seem to be visible if a player's loan cannot be terminated or if he can be recalled from loan when you look at the loan contract page for that player, but some players cannot have their loans terminated and some can.
  6. Chambers and Digne history at Aston Villa is showing as being at Villa last season then back at previous club then transferring to Villa in summer. If these were loans, they should show as loans and be in correct order. If these were full transfers last season, this still needs sorted.
  7. I've uploaded my save called 'Aston Villa' but I'm not sure if I need to do anything else or not
  8. I'm experiencing the same issue. Several players keep being added to my scout priorities to be scouted for 3 matches but I have not done this and after removing them they'll just re-appear later.
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