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13 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Lyn TF

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  1. Amazing work!!!! One question, is it possible to change what attributes are in the players “DNA”?
  2. Will you be releasing the dual attribute skin for FM24? I think it would be the perfect addition to have both.
  3. Exactly! It worked, thank you! Since I am already posting here, I would also just like to mention that your work on the Norseman is absolutely amazing and the data driven approach is super inspiring, combined with me using this skin.
  4. Hi Ben, Fantastic skin, and it has really changed how I approach FM. Made it much more enjoyable. I am just wondering how and where I can change the attribute threshold so that for example the excellent attributes start at 14 and not 16. Do I have to change that other places as well to make the data coherent? The quoted post, as far as I can understand, only relates to the color changes? You'll have to excuse me, as I am just a simple lawyer and not a programmer that knows my way around codes. Any reply is much appreciated.
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