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Everything posted by JAwtunes

  1. TBH everything you need to know is in the first post. Once you have a save in mind then you can @ Darren and XaW to double check. I think main things would be 1. No signings or loans 2. at least 2 divisions and bottom division must have relegation spot(s). There is some flexibility on this so can check with the @ above 3. only db edits allowed are cosmetic or needed to add unplayable nations / divisions 4. post annual updates. Best not to just turn up at the end to say you've completed it as we cant follow the journey (which I think most actually quiet enjoy - I know I do) GL
  2. Love it! How did you create that? I'm tempted to do one for myself but to show how many seasons I've managed in different countries. It might force me out of my Europe comfort zone.
  3. Yeah agreed, very impressive. As you say it's the stories that are told so I would add Padders to that too. Playing approx 250 seasons, and in England too, is just nuts. I was gutted for him when he got an ultimatum from the board on his last journey and then got the sack. Don't think he's been back since... #bringbackPadders
  4. This is very cool. I checked to make sure you added my old Poland save when you posted this last night and was happy to see it there I wasn't sure if you had started adding green to leagues not eligible in vanilla dB but I assume not as many in the Balkans and Eastern Europe are grey. So just a few notes. Latvia is available but not in vanilla, you'd need to open the lower leagues in the editor. Luxembourg would also be eligible, but again would need a custom db. Lichtenstein are eligible but it's a bit different as it's via the Swiss league. Perhaps you could add as a grey dot? You could maybe add green dots for San Marino and Gibraltar as they have domestic leagues but are not eligible. Maybe could add Faroe Islands label next to the islands? I think this would be fun to see in one of Darren's opening posts for FM23 👍
  5. Are they set as always amateur in the database? I suspect they are as a uni team. There is a smaller uni team in Swansea too, if you think Cardiff Met is just too easy!?
  6. I keep player records in my play throughs but am wondering why these can't be tracked in game (unless I have been missing something all these years, then only the top 1 is presented). The ones I like to track are all time appearance records and goal scoring records in the top division I'm managing in and at my club. I also track this for the nation I'm in. I am considering doing this for the top continental competition too. If this could be tracked in game and displayed as top 10 or 20 all time records then that would save me a job at the end of every season example:
  7. JAwtunes

    Light Skin

    I know this has been raised before, so sorry for going over old ground or missing an announcement saying this is being considered, but please can you consider reintroducing the light skin to FM23. Some people struggle with light text on dark backgrounds. For me, the default skin causes headaches and nausea brought on by feelings of vertigo. I know it sounds dramatic but it is true, and the only way I can avoid this is thanks to the brilliant work of others (namely Michael Murry) who create light skins that continue to make the game accessible for me. https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/advice/employers/creating-a-dyslexia-friendly-workplace/dyslexia-friendly-style-guide
  8. Hello, I and a few others have raised reports regarding the difficulties we're having in requesting an upgrade in Youth Facilities. I did a bit of testing using the IGE and might have found a link between club reputation and the option to request an upgrade to youth facilities. There was no link between any of the other requests (namely training, youth recruitment & coaching or new stadium) and club reputation. I have only looked at one club in Malta but thought I'd share. My team in Andorra has a reputation of 1.5 star (so possibly around 3000 to 3500) and our Youth Facilities are Basic (so around 4 or 5). If what I observed at Mdina Knights in Malta applies in my Andorra save, then this might explain why the option to request an upgrade my youth facilities has never been available - my team is just too 'small'. This is a problem, because in previous versions it was possible to force through such requests if you were on a good run of form and had a health bank balance. The FM22 online manual also suggests that a chairman with a high working with youngsters attribute would be more willing to grant such requests, but this is not something we can take advantage of if the option remains unavailable most of the time while all other requests remain available. Hope this helps.
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