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Posts posted by kniceknitter

  1. Since today I appear to have a scrolling issue on FM and solely FM.

    IT seems to automatically scroll downwards, whether I am looking at my squad or even a drop down box. All I need to is hover over it and it automatically scrolls.

    I've rebooted, unplugged/replugged the mouse, deleted the cache, reverified the game and still the same issues.

    Doesn't appear to happen on other programs like Chrome or any other Windows program.

    Any ideas?

  2. 17 hours ago, MichaelE said:

    i have a problem. i can't join my friend's server. every time i press join its "loading data base" but when it reaches to the end, nothing happens. it happans only for me.. all my friends can join beside me. do you have a solution for this problem maybe?

    What's your line speed? Do you have a overkeen firewall/AV blocking access? Are you on a VPN?

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