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27 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Blyth Spartans researcher


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  1. Having seen him at Birtley a few times last year at a senior level and for Gateshead once this season, I'd probably recommend the below. This should give him a CA of 64, which is probably accurate as I feel Aiden is very likely a top end NLN striker/rotation NL striker with potential to be a top player at Gateshead.
  2. Having loaded in a few saves, it appears Rutledge's stats randomly generate. Which would probably mean none or very few of his induvial attributes have been completed in the database.
  3. To be fair, at levels 7/8 in the English system have a fair few researchers doing some really good work and have fleshed out those levels a fair bit. Once the full release is out it's fairly simple to activate those levels and you'll usually see a fair amount of databases knocking around on here and other systems. I forget who does it but their is always a brilliant Scottish lower league database that gets released every year which really fleshes that out.
  4. You'll often see a lot of teams just north of London put into the National League North. The only error I ever had with this was years ago when Dover got put into the Conference North on FM14. Though I suppose that's not a totally unrealistic prospect these days.
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