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Everything posted by sufcdan

  1. Random question, if I start a new save on FM24 will it be able to carry over and continue on FM25?
  2. Southend United (try to get them back into the football league) see if we are still under an embargo on the game with just like 15 players on the books got to be up there with one of the saves of FM24 I reckon. Be interesting to see if we do get taken over on the game as the takeover is due to complete on 1st November.
  3. need to remember this when I do it! on a Mac so should just be drag and drop from old to new location. Rather than ''copy to'' right?
  4. recently browsing just dropped drastically lol this ties in with everyone finishing work at 5pm
  5. What time in the evening was the latest the beta ever dropped? cluthching at straws here before I take a shot of night nurse to knock me out (flu) and miss any beta release
  6. Has their ever been confirmation that beta’s will never be dropped on a Friday? read a lot of comments how si don’t release on Fridays in case of any game breaking bugs and being off on the weekend. is that set in stone?
  7. Peter Clarke! unbelievable player. Unreal how long he's been going and still looks more than upto it, an inspiration for all!
  8. Absolutely love this, happy days and simpler times indeed, dreading the flashing red and black lol
  9. Page 4 and the Day we rid Roots Hall of Ron the Rat!!!!!!!!! At least my club now will be in FM24. Good riddance!
  10. Is there any reason NOT to start a new save on FM23? I mean if it carries over the FM24 and keeps all of the new games features I can’t see any reason not to start a new save unless I’m missing something? Fully intend to buy 24 as I always do every year.
  11. do they purely just do transfers? or do they update attributes aswell? Was looking at downloading an unofficial transfer update as I don't want to wait a month to start a game.
  12. So isn't really beta save breaking. I don't intend to steamroll through on my beta, so along as that fix works with beta save and progression starts from when the patch is released then im fine with that to be honest
  13. But they’ve said there it will be save game compatible?
  14. Yeah would love to know this too, sounds like the one beta breaking bug (I know betas are for this, but wanted to carry on my beta save into full game 🥲)
  15. so….so far, do people think it will be okay to carry on a beta save even after full release. I’ve started so well on my game , don’t want to have to start again in 3 weeks time but I will if I have to 🥹
  16. If I start a Liverpool beta save does that mean I’m stuck with konate never getting better? Or when they release the day 1 full game patches will it update konate future potential after the end of the first season?
  17. when people say they are uninstalling, how do you do that on a Mac? I just went to the fm2022 folder in my library, teary eyed, and dragged and dropped it in the trash?
  18. I already have all my graphics from fm22, do I just saved my ''graphics'' folder from fm22 somewhere like desktop, and the put it back in when I download FM23?
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