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Posts posted by armyissue69

  1. 7 hours ago, sporadicsmiles said:

    No problem! It could work if you want to be very direct and are catching teams often on the counter attack.

    Nope I was just checking into it. I like using subs that are trained in the roles. But, I currently use a BBM with a DLP and it does work well. I would like to use a BWM with him but theyre currently picking up too many cards and i decided the DLP is better suited to my style.

  2. I like how the BBM helps the overall team. 1- Does anyone see any effectiveness from using 2 BBM's side-by-side? because currently I use a BBM with a DLP (midfielder) and the tactic tells me the roles aren't suited for 2- BBM's. and 2- What midfielders do you use (ie; Roles when using midfielders) 3- You can see my "Positive" tactic and how I use my players, you think any other Role would be better in this tactic vs what I'm using?


  3. @HUNT3R I find your reply rather ridiculous. I think, a moderator would simply moderate. I appreciate support going to groups that need support. awesome. I am fine, not offended, just not interested in the material. I will tell you that, in the USA, if you overheard someone discussing sex, you could prosecute for sexual harassment. I will leave it there. Good luck everyone! I'm off this thread

  4. So everyone who has an opinion on my mental state...I am retired Army. Anyone who has an opinion on their own personal sexual preferences keeps it to themselves. you show up to work, you work, you go home and do whatever you want. When you address someone in reference to significant other, its spouse, not wife or husband. My 2 cents. Every manager can obviously approach things how they want. 


    Do you think bill parcells goes around getting involved in their players sexual preferences? nope, hes super professional. you can be a casual modern openly whatever manager you want. its not about homophobia...its about professionalism and discussing your sexual status isn't apart of it. at least for me. i've got 4 daughters. I don't appreciate anyone forcing some "requirement of acceptance" on them at school...IMO keep your business yours.


    Therefore, I would appreciate a toggle. Will I rage quit over it? Nope, He is selling more jersey's for it...whatever. I would still tell him to go be whatever he wants off the field...and be professional @  work.

  5. Is there a preferences toggle to turn off reports like this? I consider this inappropriate. I can fully embrace the "don't ask, don't tell" mentality. How does a report like this enhance user experience? Did you think some managers might throw coming out parties in their house?


    Now, before EVERYONE starts trolling this post, I don't care what a players' orientation is...I'm saying, I don't need to know, nor do I care to know. If a player came up to me and said that he was gay, I would say go be gay elsewhere.

    Came Out As Gay.jpg

  6. @Smurf or allow it to be added to contract negotiations of a required 2 weeks notice. Technically, a contract is a written agreement to serve a specific time frame right? I don't allow a release clause in my contracts so... with players you have the option of allowing time for a replacement player...


    Anyhoo, I feel like we've beaten this into the ground long enough that I will sign off on this discussion. Great stuff @Smurf and I look forward to other discussions with your input. :) happy holidays :) 

  7. 3 hours ago, TheJock83 said:

    You always get notified if one of your coaches has been offered a job elsewhere - if you don't at that point do your own due diligence and line up a replacement ready for when they leave, that's your own bad planning.

    Lol, can you offer anything constructive? I know they're offered a job. finding quality staff is easy. In fact in 2020, its way easy. Clubs keep poaching my staff. Did you read where I said once the contract is accepted by a coach to another club, there is no time given to replace a staff member such as a 2 week notice?

  8. @Smurf Nice points all around, I could add that I have not had 1 single staff say anything other than something to the effect of "i'm not going to let you influence my career". I find that odd, since i have demonstrated awesome results, have world wide notoriety.


    @FrazT you're welcome to take this and move it into bug/wish list forum. I'm really not interested in furthering it more since, if @Smurf is right, nothing will be done OR others might pipe in on the bug/wish list forum.

  9. @FrazT No, not on holiday. yes compensated. yes i knew he was being looked at. I am saying, once he accepts, there is Zero time between acceptance, and move out. Maybe, someone could say, hey boss, i'm going to accept this contract and move out in a week, while the movers come and pack up my house...or whatever...I am absolutely positive, that as long as a coach/manager/etc. is on good terms with club, the club would be in on the time frame at all times throughout the process. ... Like, coach, xyz was offered a contract... coach, xyz is going to accept the offer... coach you've got 3 days to find a replacement... is it not realistic? 


    If I wanted to win a game over a rival, why not give contracts to staff of the other team, and slot them in useless slots and let my rival be coachless for a few matches??

  10. I get back into the office and find out, my assistant manager cleared out his desk, no 2 week notice, not 1 day notice, nothing. Every time some team poached my awesome staff, there is ZERO notice that a job was accepted and zero time for replacing absent a coach...I absolutely support a coach/asst manager/etc moving up in their career...but ZERO notice of contract acceptance to leaving?


    And, there should be some mandatory payback for team covering coaching qualifications if you quit your post early.

  11. Maybe you can forward to the creators that certain "patch" elements might be better applied through the workshop...such as, if you are experiencing this (xyz) issue, use this workshop addition to improve (xyz) stability. Im not in favor of blanket patches that may or may not apply to me that create new problems. Workshop items could be localized by windows 7 vs windows 10 vs mac issues this way or differing graphics issues. Would even allow for greater scrutiny of localized issues faced by different elements. The beauty of a workshop solution is the uninstall of the workshop item.

  12. Allow managers to buy a team, these Vanarama North/South Teams should be pretty cheap for a manager that has amassed a couple mil...We could hire/fire everyone and build stadiums, obtain financing, etc.

  13. I like what you're saying here. I would like to also add that a loan that was agreed playing time be allowed to revoke the loan when a player isn't getting the allowed playing time. I could support that a player not be eligible for another loan deal until the window opens again. Also, perhaps allowing someone to exclude a manager or team from future loan offers.

    -(official rule) "Loans CAN be terminated/recalled when both teams agree" AND if a team is paying but not playing a player, it seems to me that both teams WOULD agree to terminate the loan.

  14. Please add the ability to mark items that have been deemed non-negotiable by agent/player (usually the agent) and respond with: If you continue to require this/these items, you will not be offered a contract/extension/etc. Reason, I have a guy who is high quality and wants a release clause from higher clubs of 900k. the next higher club is premier division and they consistently shell out 7-9 mil for my players. I like the guy, but I'm not letting an important team player walk out on the team in a transfer window for 900k...AND SO, his contract is already 2 years out, guy is an idiot for not allowing a pay bump of 100k or more for the same duration. He is just going to get paid a poor salary. NOT TO MENTION, cant talk to the player and tell him what his agent is doing.


    Honestly, a little more flexibility in salary conversations would be good. IF they are so demanding of something, wouldn't a higher pay be a good offset to not having a certain clause? were not talking of a wonder-kid, just a good team player. IF you CANT make it realistic, then add unrealistic options to counter the inflexibility until such a day as this is ironed out.

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