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Chas (Psyatika)

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35 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Having trouble communicating due to the language barrier

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  1. If your plan for AI integration into Football Manager is to just ask it how to play Football Manager, then you're doing it wrong. From the perspective of a video game, the AI tech is not meant to replace YOU. It's meant to replace the Non-Player Characters, better immerse you in the game world by having the NPCs respond more naturally than the current code allows, and to provide yourself with more options on how you can effect actual changes in those NPCs. The best use for this tech in FM would be to immerse it in the game world itself, and allow the player use the "Additional Comments" or a "Custom Comment" field to respond in press conferences, job interviews, player talks - or anything else involving a NPC interaction - in a way that isn't limited to 5 multiple choice responses, particularly when the response you want to give isn't on the list. Then the game could use the AI's natural language capabilities to understand the response, and then, more importantly, use its coding abilities (which frankly, are even better than its language skills right now) to make the necessary happiness and relationship changes under the hood based on your words. At the moment, you can type custom comments, but they are meaningless; all it does it tack on the same string you typed to the end of the article. You can type literally anything and it has no effect on the game. An AI could use your custom comment to actually cause something meaningful to happen, like players having a more nuanced relationship with you beyond just morale and happiness, becoming more/less convinced to sign with you, Chairmen discussing club vision and making decisions on your future, and more. Individual NPC attributes could cause them to react differently to your words, and they could even use the conversations to draw conclusions and form opinions about you. In rare cases, the NPCs could even interact with and influence each other! The existing multiple choice structure would still exist, but you would have the ability to meaningfully affect the game with custom responses as well. If you do insist on using the AI to replace yourself, then the AI could even take on the attributes of your staff and provide advice from their perspectives, based on their own strengths, weaknesses, and preferences (and of course, those attributes could cause them to give you bad advice!)
  2. Is that actually true now? Did you verify it? Or are you just guessing? When I tried to play as a team with a maximum age in prior versions of FM, the game still allowed you to sign players to contracts that kept them beyond the maximum age. The over-age players would stay at the club, but have the "Ine" icon next to their names, so they could not be selected in match squads. They would still get upset about lack of first team football, and would still get upset if you tried to sell them.
  3. I actually had this exact issue with a team I created as an Academy team with an age restriction of 23 years. I would try to time everyone's contracts to expire before they turned 24, but then some players would stay beyond their 24th birthday and complain that they're not getting playing time. And then they would get upset again if I tried to sell them. At a club where they are literally not allowed to play. My goal was to sell the good youth players for a profit, so just releasing them at age 24 wasn't ideal. I was hoping to build a club where I could gradually increase the youth facilities and create an Academy where young players could prove themselves and earn contracts at other clubs, while generating profit for the club by selling those players. It just didn't work that way in older games.
  4. In previous versions of the game, I found playing as a club with an age restriction, such as a University or Football Academy, really annoying, as the players become upset when you "refuse" to offer them a new contract, despite it being literally impossible due to the club rules. In FM23, do players on teams with age or other contract restrictions still behave as if they have no idea the restriction exists? Or do they understand that they are meant to leave the club at the end of their contract (or the equivalent)? And if not, then why has it been an option in the editor all these years?! I don't have FM23, by the way, so I can't check for myself in the newest version of the game.
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