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Posts posted by steste

  1. Hi, season 22-23 after the qatar world cup. First euro cup game with direct elimination. End of the game 1-1 vs prague. Penalty serie => non details displayed with as usual the 5 players + green (penalty scored) or red (penalty missed) logos. So we don’t know where we are winthin the serie if we don’t look at the screen 5 seconds. 

  2. Hi, playing in FR L1 with Strasbourg. My striker ludovic ajorque (27 years) has a transfer value around 7-8 m€ at the beginning. After 2 seasons above 30 goals per season, his value stay the same. His contract has been reviewed and increased but he sticks to those 7-8 m€ evaluation. In the same time, I signed some free agents (same age, same salary) and as soon as they arrive in my club for free, their value is above the 20m€.  Why my key players that stay in my club with pretty good performances don’t see their value increasing? Same issue with my other striker Diallo who is also above the 25 goals per season. 

  3. Hi Harrison, yes I tried. By default the zoom level is setup at 50%. For home games, if I want to see the same pitch size as away games, I should push the level at 100%. But doing that, the next away game I play look like that. It’s not a normal behavior and I would avoid to « play » with the zoom button every time I launch a new game.


  4. Hi, I used to buy FMT version for my ipad and last year, I was disappointed about the removal of the old 2d view that displayed the pitch on the full screen of the ipad. Instead of that, we had a new 2d view that displayed the stadium on half size of the tablet screen. Before to know if I will purchase the 2020 version, could you please tell me of it’s the same with the new version. Or have we a 2d version more confortable for our eyes? Thanks. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Lucas Weatherby said:

    No problem. The tests we are most interested in are the ones conducted in our test labs which help us shape the development of the game going forward. Thank you for taking the time to raise the question - I know people raise it a lot about the power of such devices and certain studies they have read. The only ones we can really rely on are the tests that we do ourselves and we know what work.

    It makes sense ;)

  6. 1 minute ago, Lucas Weatherby said:

    The tests are a load of old hat really, I've never been convinced by these "benchmarks" because the devices are so different. 

    Put to very specific tests, yes the iPad Pro can perform extremely well, but the environments the devices work within are totally separate and doing different things behind the scenes while they are running. 

    The OSes again, can have particular limitations in what you are allowed to do on Tablet - which is not generally the case on a desktop.

    When you drill down there are a number of devices we support, it just isn't possible to prevent different versions for specific kinds of devices because the higher end iPad Pro is better than the Air 2.

    I understand Lucas, thank you for taking the time to answer me.

  7. Just now, Lucas Weatherby said:

    Even higher end tablets have their limitations unfortunately. 

    I'm not an expert, so I won't discuss about that.

    However, since I'm looking for a new machine, I read some tests.

    iPad pro 2017 has equivalent or better results in some cases as Core i5 / i7 from Mac Book Pro. Equivalent storage capacities.

    So if a developper wants to invest on this plateform, I think that it could.

    However, I can understand that you prefer to invest on other plateforms, and regarding tablets, touch a maximum of users.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Lucas Weatherby said:

    I answer it every year, And I'll answer again. :)

    We continually review and look at the possibility of expanding it. But it's not so simple unfortunately and we have to go with what works first and then what is the simplest solution for the user, according to what works.

    Rearranging league limits is not that simple, because of the number of teams and players that are then loaded in regardless - which adds to the memory needed to run the game, making it run out of memory when you have a case of say, 10 top divisions from 10 nations. It's been tried and tested already and this is why the 3 nation limit is used instead. 

    We know its something people mention every year but until the hardware and specifications get to a point where we can increase this, it can't happen.

    I have the solution ! :)

    FM Mobile for phones and cheaper tablets.

    FMT for high end tablets (Galaxy Tab S3, iPad Pro ...) with no limitation !

    Easy, no? :D

  9. 5 minutes ago, Lucas Weatherby said:

    I answer it every year, And I'll answer again. :)

    We continually review and look at the possibility of expanding it. But it's not so simple unfortunately and we have to go with what works first and then what is the simplest solution for the user, according to what works.

    Rearranging league limits is not that simple, because of the number of teams and players that are then loaded in regardless - which adds to the memory needed to run the game, making it run out of memory when you have a case of say, 10 top divisions from 10 nations. It's been tried and tested already and this is why the 3 nation limit is used instead. 

    We know its something people mention every year but until the hardware and specifications get to a point where we can increase this, it can't happen.

    I have the solution ! :)

    FM Mobile for phones and cheaper tablets.

    FMT for high end tablets (Galaxy Tab S3, iPad Pro ...) with no limitation !

    Easy, no? :D

  10. 52 minutes ago, Lucas Weatherby said:

    Because not at all Tablets can cope with more than that, and we must be able to guarantee the user can finish the game (30 seasons)

    Different OSes work differently - on a desktop you can do what you like with apps and games, you're not as confined to working within technical confines that are imposed by tablet hardware and tablet OSes. 

    So the decision is there is to ensure the game actually works on Tablet for 30 seasons. You can turn this setting off for just a PC game.Thanks.

    Thanks for the answer Lucas.

  11. 9 minutes ago, shirajzl said:

    Both confirmed (I'm assuming you're playing on a tablet since I play on PC where there's no 3 nation limit).

    Sorry for my english ...

    I really don't know why SI keep this limitation at 3 nations on tablet version. I asked the question here, on twitter, no answer.

    We have now tablets as powerful as some laptops, why they don't apply the same logic as on laptop => we can adapt the size of the database depending on the specificities of our tablet.

    Someone who plays FMT18 on an ipad pro 2017 with equivalent performances to mac book pro ... Why SI decides to limit this person playing with 3 nations only ???

    If someone has an answer ...

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