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Posts posted by dyne

  1. @Colorado

    Try to set your defensive line deeper? Is your opponent usually use an AMC?

    Can anyone help me answering this question?

    1. What combination of personality that result to failed tutor ?

    2. If I have Evra tutoring Luke Shaw and then before the tutoring complete I sold Evra, will it affect the tutoring?

    3. I have a player (Romario) already join my team (MU) but I can't play him because he still waiting for Work Permit. Is this normal?

    4. If I using the same formation but change the role depend on my player, will it affect the tactic familiarity (change Winger to IF for example)

  2. Yes (as in, it's better than not playing at all). It should be part of development (if a player needs it, some players—e.g. Rooney—are good enough from an early age and don't need that step).

    OK, thanks. I made mistake and bought too many young Striker (around 8-9) so right now I'm worried about developing them.

    Another question, does determination and other status can be lowered by tutoring? I have a player tutored by Giggs and now he is model professional. I want others player to tutor him so he'll learn some PPM but worried but the tutor have fairly professional and lower determination. It is better for me to have the player learn PPM manually?

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