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Everything posted by Linus_Shepard

  1. dident work, giving up, but thanks for the help. Found a supposed fix on reddit, trying now=P It worked again thanks.
  2. Yeah tried with a few other clubs whos name already appear in the file, no luck. Edited the file from the 2430 folder, do i need to edit the other folders too?
  3. I Know. edited the suport_staff edt file with; "STARTING_SUPPORT_STAFF" "PRESS_OFFICER" "Manchester UFC" "Selene" "Kiva" "FEMALE" "" and saved it as Inc. was just abit unsure of what version on the club name to use, but non worked.
  4. Started a bunch of new saves trying things like; Man Utd, Manchester United, Manchester UFC, etc.
  5. Got it working? tried myself but cant make it work.
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